Toby→Just my Luck (part 2)

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Aria's P.O.V.
I was getting my sixth cup of coffee from the police department's coffee machine. (Y/N) didn't show up to our tiny party at Hanna's house. We searched everywhere, and when I mean everywhere I mean everywhere. After we swung by Toby's loft we got really worried, he was a mess. He did tell us that they had an argument and she left in tears. That's when we went to report a missing person to the police.
It's 9:38 a.m. and nothing from (Y/N). Spencer and Hanna are getting frustrated and all of us are thinking up a plan of going and looking for her ourselves since we can't really focus on algebra at school.
Hanna and Caleb are going around the school area, Spencer and Wren are going to look near Toby's apartment, Emily and Alison are looking for her in the cafes and shops and Ezra and I are looking through some random places.
Ezra id driving us through this kinda creepy looking place. "AHA!" I exclaim. The car swerves and Ezra parks us at the edge of the road. "What was that Aria? I almost hit that other car!" Ezra said almost freaking out. "I know where (Y/N) is?" I say, but it comes out more like a question.
Your P.O.V.
What the hell? Was the first thought that you thought when you woke up. Your mouth was dry and the back of your throat tasted horrible. Your hair was probably in knots that can't be untangled. Your heart was still broken and you started to sob again.
The sobbing felt good, but it didn't fix Toby working with A.
When your tear ducts were dry, you just sat on the bench contemplating life. Thinking of all the horrendous things that had corrupted your and your friends' lives starting from when Ali went missing. All the sleepless nights, grades plummeting downwards, constant feeling of apprehension and it had started to freeze your emotions. But know you had reached a point of numbness, worse than ever before.
Probably sitting on the bench for another hour questioning everything, you see someone running towards you. You just squint your eyes to see who it is. You make out dark hair, light skin, dark hued clothes and sky high heels. Why is Aria here? Oh yeah, I kinda ditched on the party, oops. To top everything making you numb was guilt, for letting your friends down. "(Y/N)!" Aria shouts. You just frown, but wave anyways.
You try to stand but collapse onto the ground. Your feet are very sore. I must have run longer than I thought at first, was your conclusion on the dilemma. Aria sees this and takes her heels and runs faster towards you.
When Aria finally reached you had noticed some writing on your hand. It was probably written with a black sharpie while you were sleeping. 'Speak about it and you won't be speaking anymore. -A' Terrified, you hid your hand behind your back. But it was too late, Aria had spotted it. "OH MY GOD (Y/N)!! Are you okay? What happened? Why did you hide your hand?" You were bombarded with questions. You decided you would tell them since you had nothing except your life to lose in this lifetime. "I got threatened by A by a written message on my hand, I'll tell you guys somewhere else when we are all together, and no I am most certainly not okay."
Time skip brought to you by A >:)
You had gone with Ezra and Aria to the hospital where you had a check up. Everybody else had gathered into the waiting room. Everybody's nerves were pretty high. When you got out, everybody came to hug you. You had been given grey sweatpants, a grey hoodie and a white t-shirt.
"I just want to go home, actually no I don't. Can I come to your house Spencer since I don't want to look at all the memories of us. I mean Toby and I and yea..." You start rambling, because you were afraid if you stop talking then Spencer would give you the answer to your question and it would've been negative. "Of course, (Y/N). Your welcome to stay whenever."
credit to fandomsaremyanchor on Tumblr

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