Dating Alison would include

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17k?!?! Seriously, you guys rock!!
-Sending each other pictures of an item of clothing you want, how you want to cut/dye your hair, a style of make up etc and the other person replying with stuff like "I love it princess, you'd look perfect no matter what."
-Literally going out of your mind when she disappeared, even when you knew it was unlikely she would come back, you still found yourself looking for her everywhere.
-Completely losing touch with the world when they found her body.
-Being one of the first people to find out she faked her death and first being mad, but after an hour you give up the act and cry, hands on her cheek repeatedly kissing her.
-Seeing through the mean front she puts on, knowing it's only there so she can protect herself.
-Knowing when she takes things to far, for example with Hanna, and being able to stand up to her, knowing she'll listen to you.
-Pranking Jason.
-Going through Jason's room, taking some of his alcohol and pot and having it yourselves.
-Waking up in the middle of the night and kissing one another.
-Holding hands and never being ashamed of the fact that Alison Dilaurentis is yours, and her not being ashamed that you are hers.
-When homophobic comments are thrown at you, you can rely on Alison to put the person back in their place.
-Having someone's shoulder to cry on no matter what the time of day.
-Running straight into Ali's arms when you escape the dollhouse.
-Going through childhood photos together and making fun of one another.
-Being Alison's company when she goes to church.
-Helping her deal with finding out that -A is her brother, then helping her when she finds out it was Cece, a friend of hers.
-Wearing each others clothes and shoes because you're miraculously the same size.
-Unconditional love all around.
credit to imcgine on Tumblr

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