Dating Jason would include

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I want to do an X reader Thanksgiving imagine but I don't know who to do it for... comment who you think I should write one for!
warning: mentions of sex
It's pretty lengthy but worthwhile to read tbh
-Sneaking out at 1am for late night drives with Jason
-Not being close with the girls because Alison lowkey was jealous of you
-Spencer is the only one who is actually your friend because she's your study buddy
-Dealing with A texts after three months of dating Jason
-Not telling Jason about the texts to protect him
-Jason finding out about the texts because you forgot your phone in his car
-Him reading the texts and getting mad af (ANGRY JASON IS HOT JASON BC VEIN POPPING ON HIS NECK)
-Jason being overprotective of you
-Jason asking you to move in with him after 8 months of dating to get away from the Rosewood drama after you almost died due to A
-Looking for apartments together
-Giving up after 1 week of looking at the apartments 10 minutes away from Rosewood
"But babe the 6th apartment we looked at had the fireplace you wanted in the bedroom!"
"Jason!! I freaking saw a dead mouse trapped in a mouse trap outside on the balcony!"
"oh... right."
-Him calling you babe, sweetheart and baby girl
-You call him babycakes due to an inside joke about the time he ordered a cake for your birthday online and when it arrived it was a chocolate cake that was the size of your hand
-Jason surprised you by buying a small cottage an hour away from Rosewood
-Packing boxes with Jason
"Dang (y/n) what did you pack in this box? My back is starting to hurt."
"Is this your way to ask for a back massage..?"
"You know you wanna see me shirtless.."
"Okay fine. Take your shirt off Dilaurentis, we are taking a break right now."
-Watching Jason repair his car from the balcony in the hot summer weather
"Are you just going stare at me all day or are you going to bring me water?"
"But Jaaason... you're shirtless..."
-Slow passionate sex in the living room with the fireplace on
-Rough daddy kink sex after a rough day at Jason's work
-Surprising Jason at work with lunch
-Jason cooking for you all the time because he watches Hell's Kitchen reruns all night
-Ordering pizza when Jason ends up burning his pasta
"This is a disgrace"
"Babycakes its ok to mess up."
"We will not speak of this ever again"
"But how does one burn pasta?"
"You're still my master chef babe"
"Shut up"
-Shoulder kisses
-Neck kisses
-Supporting each other through everything
-Having to buy concealers weekly so you can cover up the hickies Jason left all over your neck
-Jason calling in sick on behalf of you so you can just cuddle him all day
-Him proposing on your 4 year anniversary
-Having a small wedding by the lake and Spencer is your bridesmaid and Toby is his best man
-Going to the Dominican Republic for your honeymoon that lasts for 3 weeks
-Getting matching Jerseys to your favourite baseball team and customizing it to say Dilaurentis on the back
-Trying to be friends with Alison by telling her you are pregnant and she can be the god mother
-Jason is overly excited about the baby news
-Getting close with the girls and they plan a baby shower for you
-Turning Jason on when you call him daddy while speaking to your stomach
"Come on little one, kick for Daddy"
"(y/n) my hand wont be on your stomach for much longer if you keep calling me daddy"
"oh? And what would you do Daddy? It better be clean because the little one is listening"
"Oh I am going to rip your clothes off and-"
"What? Having sex is healthy"
"Shut up!"
-Having a baby girl and Jason being overly attached
-(y/d/n) being Daddy's Little Girl
-Jason buying a shirt that says that just to make you jealous
-Alison and Spencer ends up spoiling her
-Jason not allowing (y/d/n) to wear the "my Aunt's the best" shirt that Spencer bought
"Jason let her wear it"
"Spencer if i have to have this argument again i'll have it burned"
"Jason i'm going to frame it then"
"(y/n) you're supposed to be on my side"
"HA she loves me more than you Jason"
"Shut up, Spencer"
credit to itsjasondilaurentis on Tumblr

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