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Up after this is a Toby request!! I hope you're all ready!😂

The moment you saw his face, nothing else mattered. It didn't mattered that you were caked in mud and a little bit of your own blood, or that you had just escaped from the scariest place in the world. All that mattered was that Mike was here, and he was here for you.

You threw your arms around him, and when his arms wrapped around your waist, you realized how tired you were. You hadn't even noticed the fact that your ankle was bleeding or that it was probably broken, because you had been running from the dollhouse.

"Oh god," he said, breathing into your hair. "I thought I'd never find you."

"I'm so glad you're here," you said as he stroked your hair.

"Come on, let's get out of here." You nodded and tried to put weight on your ankle. You stumbled forward and he wrapped his arm around your waist quickly. "I've got you," he said. You and the rest of the group walked out of the woods. When you reached the road, bright lights burned in your face. The blue and red lights of the police vehicles made you cringe.

"Girls!" Immediately, you were embraced by the arms of your family. Mike let go a little, but didn't move far away from you. He always remained in sight.

"Y/N," Spencer said, drawing your attention away from the happy reunion. She and the rest of the girls were talking to Detective Gabe Holbrook. You limped over to them, and Emily put an arm around to support you.

"I know you're eager to return to your families, but I do need you all to come down to the station to answer some questions."

"Right away?" Mr. Montgomery asked.

"I'm sorry, but yes."

"It's fine, dad," Aria said. "It won't take long, right guys?" she asked.

"Right," you all said at the same time.

About two hours later, with the pale white light of the lamp in the interrogation room, all you wanted to do was crawl into your bed and sleep for ever. So when you got home, you made sure to text Mike that you were home, and then went to sleep.

However, after being asleep for nearly an hour, you woke up from a horrible nightmare. It was awful being in your room. It was just like the dollhouse. You crawled out and wandered downstairs, trying to sleep on your couch. You had the same reaction to the change of scenery.

You struggled with sleep all night, so when the rest of your family woke up, you weren't as rested as they were. They were making breakfast, but you weren't interested in joining.

"I think I'm gonna go out."

"You're gonna do what?"

"I'm just gonna go for a walk. Probably swing by Mike's," you said.

"I don't like the idea of you being out by yourself. Let me drop you off at Mike's." You rolled your eyes but knew you couldn't argue. Mike was waiting at the door when you arrived. Aria wasn't home, he told you. She had gone to see Ezra.

"Do you want to come in?" Mike asked after you had been standing outside his door for too long.

"No. Can we just go for a walk?" you asked. He nodded and closed the door behind him. The cool fall breeze met your face as Mike took your hand.

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