Gabe Holbrook→Kissing Santa

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! :)
Honestly, you shouldn't have been surprised. I mean it was Alison DiLaurentis we were talking about. Of course she would kiss your boyfriend. But Gabe? Gabe wouldn't do that to you. Well at least that's what you had assumed.

You had spent hours getting ready for Alison's ice ball. You had been hesitant to attend the event because you thought your ex-boyfriend, Jason, might be there considering it was his sister's party. However, Spencer had reassured you that he was in Philly for the week.

Hanna had spent an entire weekend shopping with you to find the perfect dresses. She came over to help with your hair so that you looked like the best you could.

Gabe had told you that he couldn't be your date for tonight because Tanner was making him stay late. You were disappointed but understood, and promised him you would still have fun.

You arrived at the party and met up with the girls. The girls all looked nervous when you approached them.

"What?" You questioned.

"We just saw Ali kissing Santa Clause," Aria replied. You looked around the room and saw at least ten different Santas.

"Which one?"

"That's what we need to find out. Em, you and Aria go talk to Lucas. Hanna and I will check with Toby and Caleb. Y/N can you start looking for the right Santa?" You all nodded and headed off in different directions.

You had been drinking some brightly colored drink that would probably make you feel like shit the next day when you felt arms snake around your waist.

"Hello, gorgeous," you heard a voice say. You swiveled and enveloped your detective boyfriend in a tight hug.

"What are you doing here?" You asked him after you kissed his soft lips.

"I thought I would come and celebrate with my beautiful girlfriend. And it's always good to give back to charity, you know," he said with a grin. It was then that you noticed his attire.

"I look good, don't I, babe?" He questioned as he turned around mockingly. You laughed half-heartedly.

"When did you get here?"

"About 30 minutes ago, why?" Gabe looked at you questioningly.

"Just curious," you stated with a fake smile. Gabe smiled back at you and drew you in for a more passionate kiss. When you pulled away you noticed Spencer and Hanna looking over at you. You made an excuse to Gabe and walked over to the girls.

"I guess Ali's not the only one kissing Santa tonight," Hanna muttered as you walked up to them.

"It wasn't him, guys," you stated simply, answering their question before they could ask it.

"Sure about that?" Caleb asked you.

"Yes," you stated angrily, "He loves me, he would never do anything like that to me. Also, Ali's not his type. He can see right through her act," you stated. This time, with less confidence.

"Come on, Y/N. You have to at least consider the possibility," Spencer reasoned with you. You sighed, knowing she was right.

You left the group and went to find Gabe. The sexy detective was talking to Aria when you found him. Aria looked relieved to find an excuse to leave. Gabe turned to look at you with a smile.

"Did I mention how absolutely stunning you look tonight?" He questioned with a raise of his eyebrow. He wrapped his arms around you and drew you closer to him.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his lips. The girls were insane to think that Gabe would cheat on you. Right?
credit to imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul on Tumblr

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