Caleb→Ravenswood Nightmare

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You woke up like normal, getting ready for school and heading out. You met up with Aria on the way, as you lived close together and often shared rides.

"How are you?" she asked, she knew you were missing Caleb ever since he left for Ravenswood.

"I'm okay." You replied. There was not much else you could say. He told you that he wouldn't blame you if you moved on. You couldn't help but wonder if that meant that he was going to move on and would feel better knowing that you had the choice to. He hadn't returned your calls or replied to your texts. It was like he was trying to forget your existence, so to try and forget about it, you kept yourself busy. You joined multiple school clubs- after all if you are going to be spending almost every day doing something, it may as well contribute to your future.

You went straight to your locker, opening it to see the pictures that meant the most to you, the first was of you, spencer, Aria, Alison, Hanna and Emily, dressed up to go to a school dance. The second was of you and the other girls after Alison's disappearance. You had all changed and Aria had just come back from Iceland. It wasn't the same without Alison, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, in fact, your friendship was stronger. The last picture was of you and Caleb. It was one Hanna had taken without you knowing, you and Caleb were just laughing, and having a good time, but Hanna though that it was cute.

Whilst grabbing your books you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around, faced with an excited Spencer.

"How are things between you and Caleb?" she questioned, looking like she knew something. You just shrugged, not wanting to talk about the subject. She sighed, muttering something about wanting you to forget about it.

School was long and you really only wanted to get home, so when the bell rang at the end of the day you were the first out of your seat. When you arrived home you knew something was off, the plant pot that you hide the key under was out of place, leaving a clean circle where it usually belonged. But no key was under it. You started to panic. What if someone had gotten in? You walked towards the front door. Maybe your mother had lost her key again? When you entered the house was silent. You stood and listened for a second. Silence. You should've found this soothing but it made things worse. You bravely inspected all of downstairs, not noticing anything suspicious.You headed upstairs to get changed, thinking that you were just being ridiculous. You noticed a light on in the bathroom. Walking over you gently nudged the door. It was empty. You must've left the light on before you left. You entered your room, closing the door behind you. Then you turned around.

"CALEB!!" you screamed, when you saw him sat on your bed, his bag at his feet. He stood up abruptly, making his way over to you. He wrapped his arms around you, but you stood still. Why should you welcome him back when he spent the whole time ignoring you!

"Y/n. it's good to see you." He said with a hopeful look on his face. You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms and turning away from him. "Okay I get it." He sighed, "I haven't exactly spoken to you while I was in Ravenswood."

"Were you with someone else?" you were trying to sound angry, but your voice broke halfway through the sentence.

"What. No, no! I wasn't with anyone else." He replied "were you?" he asked preparing for your answer. You shook your head, not trusting your voice to come out correctly. He nodded, smiling slightly but it quickly disappeared. "Y/n. listen, the only reason I didn't reply was because I didn't want you to get involved with the messed up stuff that's over there."

You looked down, not sure whether or not to believe him. "I love you," he said.

Your heart was aching, your head said to stay annoyed and angry, but your heart was fighting to forgive him. You gave in, opening your arms to hug him. He buried his face into your hair."I really did miss you," He whispered into your ear. You gripped onto him tighter, making sure he really was there.

He ended up staying, having nowhere else to go yet. He promised he would find somewhere but until then he was living with you. You caught up for a while and although you knew it would take time to get back to what you were, you were willing to try your hardest. You eventually settled down to go to sleep, rolling over so that you were facing away from him. He threw his arm around your waist, tugging you closer to his chest. He kissed you on your temple before muttering a goodnight, but you were already asleep.

You woke up. It was still dark. You felt movement next to you and heard him whisper words but you couldn't tell what he was saying. A layer of sweat covered his forehead, indicating that he was having a nightmare. You shook his shoulders, but with no success. So you started to shake him more violently. His eyes shot open, gasping as he sat up. His heart beat was rapid and his breaths were loud. You rubbed his back to soothe him, whilst switching on the lamp next to the bed.

"Hey, hey. You're alright." You said this over and over again until he was calm and flopped down onto the bed. He closed his eyes, trying to forget the nightmare. "What was it about?" you asked."Ravenswood." You didn't push him, you could see how haunted he was by the look in his eyes.

So instead you asked, "was it that bad?" He nodded, not wanting to talk about it and you understood. So you lay down next to him, letting him rest his head on your chest, playing with his hair until he fell back to sleep.
credit to littlehastingsliar on Tumblr

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