Toby→Taking Care of You

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I woke up this morning feeling really sick, I had a very strong fever and headache and I couldn't stop shivering. I couldn't even get out of the bed, so I got my phone and immediately called my boyfriend, Toby.
"Toby", I said barely able to speak.
"(Y/N) babe, are you okay?", he asked worriedly.
"I'm really sick, could you come over?"
"Of course, I will be there in 5 minutes."
Thank god Toby lived close to me.
Minutes later, I heard the keys and the door opening. I knew it was him because he had my spare key.
My bedroom's door opened.
"Omg babe, this is horrible, what's wrong?" he ran and put his hands on my face.
"I have a strong fever and headache," I sighed.
"I can feel it, and you're shivering," he added as he got up to go get the thermometer.
He brought it and put it in my mouth.
"Oh my god. it's 100.5 F", he said.
He quickly ran to get a bowl of iced water and a cloth and he put in on my forehead.
"Hope this will help," he said as he softly patted it and removed pieces of hair from my face.
He continued doing that, but I wasn't feeling any better.
"I think I'm gonna have to take medicine, butI hate doing that," I gasped.
"I'm gonna go to the pharmacy to get you some, okay babe?" Toby said as he was about to leave.
"Be fast," I begged because I was in pain.
The pharmacy was about 10 minutes away, so by the time Toby would get me the medicine, I decided to take a shower.
I was still shivering so I opened hot water and I stayed under it for about 2 minutes but then I switched to cold water because I thought it'd help decrease my fever.
I finished and as I was about to get out of the shower, I blacked out.
I woke up and I was in the bed with Toby sitting there holding my hand.
"What happened?" I asked not remembering.
"I came back and I found you there in the bathroom, fainted."
"You should've waited until I came back, I could've helped you shower so this wouldn't happen."
"I didn't know I'd faint," I cried.
"Shhhh, babe, I got the medicine but it says that you have to eat something before taking them," Toby said as he got up to go make me food.
"I don't feel like eating, Toby."
"You have to, I'm gonna go make you a chicken soup, okay?" he kissed my forehead.
I laid there and tried to relax as I waited for my food to be ready.
Toby would come and check up on me every now and then.
About 20 minutes later, he came with food and I got up to eat.
"No stay (Y/N), I'm gonna feed you," he smiled.
"It's okay Toby, I can eat."
He didn't allow me. Instead he sat next to me on the bed and began to feed me.
I felt so glad to have a boyfriend like him. He was honestly the best.
I finished and he gave me the pills, I took them and I laid back.
"Can you come lay with me?" I asked Toby.
"Of course, babe."
He got in the bed with me and asked what I wanted to watch on Netflix.
We picked a movie and we started watching as I rested my head on his chest.
Minutes later, I feel asleep.
I woke up by the touch of Toby and him whispering,
"Babe, you have to take your second medicine."
I looked at the clock and it was 8 pm.
"Oh my god, I actually feel asleep," I said happily.
"Yeah like a cute little baby," Toby kissed me on the lips.
"Can you make me a fruit salad? I'm craving something fresh and sweet," I asked.
"Of course."
He brought it to me and I ate it.
"Do you want me to cook you anything, (Y/N)?"
"No I'm good, thank you baby," I hugged him.
Toby would always cook food for me, he was so good.
I took the pills and I was feeling pretty good.
"Toby, can we go for a walk?," I asked because I really wanna to get fresh air.
"Are you feeling better, babe?"
"Yeah, I just wanna get some fresh air, I've been in this bed since yesterday night."
"Okay", he gave me a kiss.
I threw a jacket on and we left.
"Being sick is honestly the worst thing ever," I said as I held Toby's hand.
"I know, but the most important thing is that you're feeling better now", he wrapped his hand around me as we were walking.
"Thank you so much for coming over and taking care of me," I looked up at him and kissed him.
"I'm always here for you, babe," he kissed back.
We walked around the neighbourhood for about half an hour and then we came back.
"Toby, I want you to sleepover tonight, okay?"
"(Y/N), I wasn't gonna leave you anyways," he kissed me.
We got in the bed and we cuddled and kissed.
"Good night, baby. I love you and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend."
"Good night (Y/N), I love you more," he gave me one last kiss and I fell asleep.
credit to pllandunicorns on Tumblr

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