Dating Ezra would include

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-Both lying on his couch reading your separate classic novels, your legs across his lap.
-Watching black and white movies whilst holding hands.
-Long trips to art galleries with the cliché "you're more beautiful than anything in here" line from Ezra, but it still makes you weak at the knees despite the fact he constantly says it.
-Slow dancing with your head on his chest and arms snaked around his neck.
-Lunch dates in his classroom.
-Writing poems about each other.
-Kisses in the rain.
-Hours looking around antique bookshops trying to find each other the perfect book.
-Kissing his forehead whilst he sleeps.
-Not letting his mother phase you one bit because you're love is entirely priceless.
-Teaming up with Wes to tease Ezra.
-Being an unbeatable, undefeated charades team.
-Fancy meals just whenever because you deserve the best money can buy.
-Doing his top button up for him because he ALWAYS seems to forget.
-Traveling to really cool countries and having oh-so-typical couple pictures together.
-Never feeling happier than when you're by his side.
-Helping him edit his book and having him read paragraphs out to you.
-Long conversations about books and authors.
-Him telling the cheesiest jokes that you just groan at and he laughs so loudly and is so proud
-Watching old movies
-Eating popcorn on the couch as you watch movies and/or tv shows
-Cooking dinner whilst he's typing away furiously
-Listening to old records with him and just relaxing.
credit to imcgine and alloftheimaginesblog on Tumblr (I put two different ones together lol)

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