Wesley Fitz→Disneyworld Scheming

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I have a request up next, after this chapter! :))
"C'mon, Aria," Y/N said, trying to convince her friend to go to Disneyworld in Florida with her, and their boyfriends, who happened to be brothers. "We deserve a break from A."

In reality, even though deserving a break from A was entirely truthful, Ezra, Y/N, and Wes were planning something at Disneyworld for Ezra and Aria.
"Fine," the tiny brunette sighed, and Y/N smiled happily, knowing the first step of the plan was complete.

"C'mon, let's find a good spot for the fireworks," Wes said, wrapping his arms around my me from behind.

"Yeah," Ezra agreed, the three of us exchanging secret glances that Aria didn't notice.

"One minute," Wes said, and Aria smiled widely.

"I love fireworks," she said, an excited smile on her face.

I reached for my pocket, feeling the ring box inside there as I looked to Ezra. He asked me to keep it since Aria liked putting her hands in his pockets when she got cold.
The minute the fireworks began, Ezra got down on one knee, and Aria's eyes widened.
"Aria, I love you more than you love fireworks," he said. "And I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

I handed him the ring box, in which he opened, and I stood with Wes, the two of us smiling widely at the couple in front of me. Wes intertwined our hands, kissing my temple as his older brother proposed to my best friend.
"Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Aria exclaimed, and everyone around us cheered, everything was loud with the fireworks.

I took my phone out, snapping a photo with Ezra still on his knees and Aria smiling widely, fireworks and the castle behind them.

"This'll be us one day," Wes said, wrapping his arms around me from behind and putting his head in my neck.

"Yeah," I said happily to myself, leaning against my boyfriend.
credit to gmxdilaurentis on Tumblr

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