Toby→Just my Luck (part 1)

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Your P.O.V
You were putting on a shimmering, black dress. It had a sweetheart cut and mesh up to the neck. The mesh went to the back and had a oval cut into the middle so your shoulderblades were half covered. The dress hugged your curves and flowed to the floor. It was sophisticated, but sexy.
You were getting ready to suprise your boyfriend, Toby.
(>0_0)> Le time skip <(0_0<)
You knock on the door of Toby's loft and you hear rapid footsteps coming to the door. Toby opens the door and looks at you and you smile. His momentary confusion gets replaced with awe and shock. "Wow... (Y/N), you look so... g-gorgeous." He whispers. "Why thank you. You don/t look so bad yourself," you smoothly answer. When you let your house you had texted him to put some fancy clothes on, but you hadn't told him why. Toby is still standing in the doorway with his eyes roaming your body. "I did have something else planned other than us standing in your loft's doorway the entire night." you smirk at him. "Oh, yeah. Sorry" Toby laughs and blushes. He steps aside to let you in.
Once you are inside, you turn around and yelp, but it was muffled by Toby's lips. You two kiss for quite awhile. It was passionate and loving. You had been really happy with Toby, which was very unusual since all your past relationships had been total ship wrecks.
You open your eyes and look over Toby's shoulder. Your eyes widen significantly. You stop kissing and push Toby away. His expression is a mixture of hurt and confusion. He sees you staring and turns around to see what you are staring at. "Shit! (Y/N), I can explain." Toby immediately starts defending himself. You turn your gaze from the cardboard box to the love of your life. "You're.. you're working .. with A?" You as so quietly it was a miracle he heard you. "No. Not anymore." His face distorts into a palette of guilt and sadness. You were hurting. Someone, no A had ripped your heart out, smashing all other organs and bones in the area and stomped, pounded, broken your heart into a bleeding mess.
A had taken away your trust, safety and normal life, but this was the worst.
The pain was becoming too much and you felt something wet on your hand and you discovered you had started to cry. Everything was too much and you had started to numb. You knew you should be raging, screaming, shouting at Toby, but you couldn't feel any of it.
You move towards the door and stop. Both of you just stand there, you staring towards the door and Toby crying behind you silently. After a few minutes you turn around and look at him. His hair is disheveled, his eyes are puffy and red and his cheeks are streaked with tears. He looked crushed, but you couldn't care less. "I hope taking away the only thing I had left and destroying it was worth it. Worth the laughs about this sick, stupid prank that I have gotten tired of." And with that you left.
When you had closed the door of the loft you took off your heels and ran. You had no idea where to go, so you just randomly ran. When you stopped, at an abandoned playground, you screamed at the sky. Luckily it had started raining while you had been running. At least one thing worked out, the freaking rain muffling my screams, you thought bitterly.
You trot to the closest bench in your now ruined dress and lay down. It took several hours of crying, sobbing and banging your head against the bench before you fell asleep.
credit to fandomsaremyanchor on Tumblr

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