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Sorry it's been a few weeks, I've been very busy with freshman year!
Thunder boomed through the whole school and you jumped again. You heard laughter behind you and saw Noel standing behind you.

"If you're so scared of the storm, it might not be best to sit next to a window," he said with his famous smirk.

"I'm not scared of the storm," you said with another jump at the next boom. Noel just laughed. He placed his hands in his pockets and bit his lip. You tried to not think about how hot he looked. He was a notorious bad boy, and you still weren't quite over your last boyfriend.

"Ya know, I know a place we can go where we will be away from all the commotion," he said with a hopeful look in his eyes.

You tried to turn him down, you really did. But looking into those beautiful eyes, all you managed to get out was, "Okay."

As you were walking towards the undisclosed location, the power went out, sending the entire school into darkness. Instinctively, you grabbed Noel's hand. He smiled and laughed lightly, and you began to pull away but he closed his fingers around yours.

"It's okay, Y/N. The room's just a little ways away," he said reassuringly, rubbing small circles on your hand. You nodded and followed him.

You walked until you reached the choir practice room. He let go of your hand to try and
open the door. It was locked so he pulled something out of his pocket and shimmied it in the lock until it opened.

He opened the door and you stepped inside. You hadn't been inside the choir room in years, you dropped choir after Alison died. You forgot how big the windows were in this room, you hardly needed to have any lights in it. Even without the flashes of lightening, the room was quite bright.

"Better than sitting in the cafeteria?" Noel asked. You smiled.

"Yes, much. Thanks, Noel."

"Anything for you, Y/N." You laughed. "What?"

"You own up to your reputation, Noel."

"And what reputation would that be, exactly?" he questioned.

"Just that you flirt with every girl, to try and get your way," you stated. Noel nodded his head and frowned a bit.

"Perhaps," he said as he stepped closer to you. "But you aren't like every girl." His face was inches from yours. You took a deep breath and pulled away.

"Do you still play?" you asked. Noel raised an eyebrow. "Guitar, I mean."

"Yeah," he said. He walked over and grabbed the guitar off of its stand. He sat down on a chair and motioned for you to sit on the one in front of it. "Do you still sing?"

"No," you said through a laugh. "I couldn't even sing when I did." Noel chuckled.

"Well, I don't really wanna play by myself. How about I teach you?" he asked with his signature grin.

"How about you play me a song first, then maybe that lesson." Noel nodded and began playing Don't by Ed Sheeran. You tried to keep yourself from swooning. Of course Noel would play Ed Sheeran right now.

Suddenly, Noel started singing along with his playing. You felt yourself break out into a grin. Noel noticed as well and kept playing, glancing up at your slightly swaying body every once and a while.

Eventually, he finished the song. He stood up and handed you the guitar.
"I played for you, now you gotta play for me. Or, you could kiss me," he said with a smirk.

"You're gonna have to show me how to do it, play guitar, that is." Noel laughed and walked behind you. He grabbed your hands and showed you how to hold the guitar. His breath felt hot on your neck as he showed you different keys.

"Got it?" he asked. You began to answer but thunder sounded throughout the room and you jumped, causing the guitar to fall and for you to fall into Noel's arms. "Now who's flirting?" he said as he helped you back into the chair.

He reached around to find the guitar that the dropped broken, the neck snapped in half.
"Shit," you muttered.

"Don't sweat it, they don't even know we're in here. The cameras are out with the power." You nodded.

Thunder sounded again and this time lightening flashed incredibly close to the school. You nervously grabbed Noel's hand again.

"Sorry," you said as you released his hand.

"It's okay," he said as he grabbed your hand. "I actually like holding your hand," he said as he inched closer to you. He moved a piece of your hair out of your face. "Can I kiss you?" he asked. You were surprised but nodded slightly.

Noel closed the gap between the two of you and kissed you softly. You now realized why all of the girls wanted to kiss Noel. He was a spectacular kisser. When you pulled away you felt pleasantly breathless.

"Damn," Noel said. "The power should go out more often." You laughed and punched his arm. He grabbed your wrist and stared at you. "Be careful, or I'll tell everyone your secret."

Your eyes widened slightly as you begun to panic. What if Noel was A, like the girls had talked about?

"Ya know, that you're afraid of thunder?"he asked with a small laugh. You relaxed and laughed, too.

"Shut up, Noel."

"Why don't you make me?" You tilted your head slightly as you looked at him and grabbed his face, kissing him more passionately than before.
credit to imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul on Tumblr

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