Toby→Just my Luck (part 3)

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(Last part, I promise!)
Your P.O.V.
It had been two weeks of looming in the Hastings' guest room. The primary numbness had faded and the excruciating pain in your chest had become a sinister presence in your everyday life.
Usually you would be deep in thought and because of that you found yourself turning up at places that were dear to you and Toby. They would always be the same places; the Cavanaugh house, your house, the grill and his loft. Which would immediately trigger a new wave of emotion. It would be very hard to keep your head up high and keep your eyes from watering, pretend like everything was fine.
In truth it was not 'fine'. And you were doubting it would ever be okay. How could you mend your heart when something so right had turned into something so wrong. You had started with low walls around your heart, but then along came boyfriend #1. He hadn't actually liked you, he just wanted to prove he could get you to his friends. That only bent your heart. So you built your walls up higher. Boyfriend #2 had used you for sex, that only fractured your heart. While building your walls again, you bumped into Boyfriend #3. It lasted long and you truly believed he was the one. Coming home earlier from school you caught him cheating with a random chick. That had added a few more cracks. Each in their own time had seemed like the worst agony there could ever be. But this time your heart had been shattered, broken, beaten and trampled on. Toby had used you in a way that made every other reason that you could dump someone, petty. You had come to the conclusion that this was the worst anguish and nothing could top it or ever clamber your walls.
Again while in thought you had wandered through the Hastings household and into the garden. The outdoor chairs were made by Toby for you, but since they didn't fit into your apartment, you had relocated them to Spencer's backyard.
You sit down and stare at the trees above you. Silencing your mind, at least a little bit, you close your eyes and breath in the manly cologne wafting in the air. Wait, what? Manly cologne? It smells like Toby's...Shit I hope he isn't anywhere near here. You open your eyes very carefully and mentally curse. Of course he had to ruin your moment. Just when you were starting to pick up the pieces he came and knocked them down, again.
You stand up and give him the side-eye. Stepping side wards, he mimics you move. You step to the other side, taking a bigger step. He does the same. Seeing it futile to try to get past him, so you decide to hear him out.
"Look, I don't want to start a scene. Can I just go inside? Or are you here to deny ever helping A?" You had no patience and wasn't afraid to show it.
"(Y/N), I want you to hear me out, okay? You left so suddenly and I didn't have time to explain myself. It looks a lot worse than it actually is." Toby starts to explain.
"Why should I? For once in my life I felt like somebody might actually love me, might actually look after me, might actually need me. I gave you every single ounce of trust and love that I had and yet still you threw it all away. I'm so tired of all of this drama. You were my steady rock in all of this, that I knew I could always lean on. Now, since I found out that the rock was actually a prop, I have been spinning, thrashing and drowning in the water as I get carried by the current like everything else in this sick place. I just can't do this anymore," you had started slow and quietly, but eventually it built up until you were screaming. You frown at the floor. You had no idea you had to rant like that.
You look up and see Toby tearing up. you had never seen Toby this broken, not even when you broke it off at his loft. You felt a pang in your chest. You kinda felt bad for hurting Toby, but then you remember that he had used you.
You don't stick around to wait happens next and storm into the house, leaving Toby to regret his choices.
credit to fandomsaremyanchor on Tumblr

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