Toby→Rescued (request)

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requested by @shadowgirl2020, hope you like it!


You were on your way to the state penitentiary following your sentencing, along with your other friends, Aria, Emily, Spencer, and Hanna. None of you had killed Mona, but here you were, paying for the crime. It just didn't make any sense.

"I guess I can kiss fashion school goodbye," Hanna grumbled, trying to itch her arm, even though it was hard, with her shackles. The orange jumpsuits were quite ugly but, as always, Hanna somehow rocked it.

"And I can- uh, what was that?" Spencer began, until she was cut off by the transport car lurching to a halt.

All of a sudden, the back doors swung open to reveal only darkness. You were temporarily blinded as you tried to wiggle around in your shackles. And then, everything went dark.


When you woke up in your own bed, you thought everything was back to normal. No prison, no Ali, and no kidnapping. But boy, you were wrong.

It took you a second to realize that there was no natural light streaming in through your window, but rather, the lights had been turned on. Your real window had been blocked by slabs of concrete.

You jumped up out of your comfy bed and straight to your bedroom door, wiggling the handle. It wouldn't budge.

"Hello? Someone, anyone, please! Something's wrong!" you yelled. Everything in your room looked a little too perfect, and you recognized a few things that had gone missing from your possession in the past couple months.

The last thing you remembered was the police transport car, and now you were back in your own room? It didn't make any sense.

"Welcome. Willkommen. Bienvenido," said a strange, high-pitched voice. Suddenly, your door swung open, as did your friends'.

'What is this place?" Aria groaned, rubbing her head. My eyes widened when I realized that we were no longer in our prison jumpsuits, but the exact outfits we were wearing on the night Ali had been killed. Or rather, taken.

"No idea, it looks-" Emily started, but was cut off again by the voice. "Follow the lighted arrows down the pathway."

You led your friends down the pathway, which was really just a dark hallway, at heightened speed.

The lighted arrows ended at a white and pristine doorway. You bravely opened it, and gasped when you caught a glimpse of a certain face behind the baby grand piano. You barely had time to register that you were standing in a carbon-copy of Ali's living room before you saw her. Mona.


"I can't believe Mike would lie to me like that!" Aria exclaimed, after Mona finished whispering her explanation to all of us, while we pretended to be interested in the dollhouse board game in front of us.

"I asked him to. Trust me, he loves both of us very much," Mona smiled. You still couldn't believe she was alive. And you had almost forgotten about Mike and Mona's relationship in the midst of all of the trials.

All six of you were sitting around a very real, but fake version of Ali's dining room table, staring at a board game in front of you. 

You didn't know how long you'd been in there, but you knew it had been too long. This place was one massive, scary dollhouse, and you weren't interested in staying.


Rescue hadn't come nearly as early as you'd hoped, and to make matters worse, you had been nauseous and tired for the past three days, spending most of your time either curled in your bed, scared, running, or vomiting.

You, along with the others, thought it was the end.


A week after your kidnapping, and you still hadn't been saved. The other girls were scared, and for you especially, since you'd barely eaten anything, and hadn't stopped puking.

"We have a plan. Play along, and it's sure to get us out of here," Mona whispered to you while running, during the three minutes when the generator kicked back in around midnight and A's cameras didn't work.

You nodded weakly, happy to agree to anything, as long as it ended with your escape. You still continued to get sick, and though they wouldn't tell you, your friends feared that it would keep getting worse, or that A may deem you 'un-useful' and isolate you.


All you remembered was slipping into a too-large blue evening gown, a fancy party, and Toby wrapping his strong arms around your now sickly-thin waist.

You woke up surrounded by machines, with a drowsy-looking Toby sitting in a small chair across from your hospital bed.

"Tobes?" you croaked, before looking around you for some water.

"(y/n)? Oh god, (y/n), I thought you were dead!" Toby exclaimed, before picking up your frail hand and kissing it, even over the wires and such attached to your hand.

"I thought I was dead, too. How long was I out?" you asked.

"Two days. You passed out from exhaustion, (y/n). The others are already awake."

"Excuse me, sir, but you're going to have to step outside for a minute," said the nurse that had just entered the room. 

"Darling, I have some news. We took some tests and it turns out that you're six weeks pregnant. Congratulations!"

An, in that moment, your heart stopped. You had no idea. The thought hadn't even occurred to you, not even when you missed your period, because you'd just tacked up to the stress of the trial.

"I'll send in your boyfriend, okay sweetie?" You nodded.


"Pregnant?" Toby stood, stunned. He began to pace around the room in his Rosewood PD uniform, which made you even more nervous.

"If you want to keep it, I'm planning on enrolling at Hollis this fall, anyway. We can all live in your apartment, at least until we find a house," you sighed.

"A baby. Our baby," Toby grinned, carefully giving you a hug. It would all work out, you were sure of it.


credit to ellasfood on Wattpad

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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