You Are In The Dollhouse→Jason+Mike

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***up next will be the "dating _____ includes" series***

Jason was sat in his desk at work when he got a call.
It was from the prison. Normally he would ignore all of the calls, but it could've been you. He was ashamed to say that he was disappointed when he heard his sister's voice. She sounded anxious and worried. He thought that he could ask her how you were, so he picked up. She was relieved and also shocked, not thinking that this would work.
"Hello" he said.
"Jason, listen. Y/n and the girls have gone. They were moved and then they went missing, something happened. They don't know where they are. I just didn't want you to find out any other way." She finished, taking a breath.
"y/n's missing?" he asked, although he said it under his breath as if he was saying it to himself.
"Yes and you need to find her Jason! Find them!" Alison cried into the phone. He knew how much they meant to her, despite her actions, she loved her friends.
"I will. Don't worry, I won't stop until I do." He replied. He didn't know where to start. He felt useless. After coming up with ways to help he'd managed to get nowhere, you told him about A straight away and he had been nothing but useless up until this point.
With nowhere else to turn he found himself at your house. He wandered up and reached out to knock the door, but then decided against it. Your parents didn't need the disturbance at a time like this. So instead he snuck around into your room and slept on your bed, wishing you were there cuddled up next to him.
He was just coming in from school when he noticed his parents sat on the sofa.
"Mike we need to talk to you about something" Byron said as he motioned for him to sit down on the seat placed in front of them. He took off his bag and set it down, his heart beating at those words.
"What happened?" he asked, rubbing his sweaty palms on his jeans.
"The girls were in the prison van." Ella stated, reaching her hand out to place on top of his. "Then they went missing." She finished, studying his face for a reaction. He showed no emotion, not quite understanding what they meant.
"Went missing as in ran away?" he questioned. He didn't believe any of you would do that. You were falsely accused but you wouldn't run away from the law, it would only make things worse.
"no." Byron said sadly. "They were taken." Mike didn't know how to react, the only thought in his head was 'A'. He stood up abruptly, leaving the house. He walked for what seemed like hours, thinking about what happened. He was in shock, not only had he lost his sister, he lost you as well.
credit to littlehastingsliar on Tumblr

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