Dating Hanna would include

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-Playing with her hair a lot because it's just so soft!!
-Staying up late stalking people on twitter, then remembering you had to be up early the next day.
-Coming second to Mr. Biscuit.
-Sneaking into each other's changing rooms and making out.
-Giving each other looks that cause you to know exactly what the other is thinking.
-Reminding Hanna that she doesn't need to push you away, and that it's okay to feel weak sometimes.
-Constantly telling her she's beautiful because, well, she's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
-Knowing exactly how to calm her down.
-Laughing at everything she says because she's so funny.
-Dancing together.
-Her sat on the counter, you arms wrapped around her waist, noses pressed together.
-Kisses that tease up the neck, along the jawline until eventually lips touch lips.
-Holding her so close, and never wanting to let her go.
-Seeing through her facade and knowing that she's just as scared as you and everyone else about -A.
-Knowing just how smart she is, even when she doesn't.
-Holding her hand through everything because you need her and she needs you.
credit to imcgine on Tumblr

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