Wesley Fitz→Really Happy

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"C'mon, Y/N," Aria said. "You've been seeing this guy for a year, and I still haven't met him."
"I'm trying to keep him as far from our group of friends for as long as possible," I replied, looking at the girls with a knowing glance. "I don't need Wes involved with A situations, especially when he doesn't even come from Rosewood. I'm sorry, guys."
"Please," Emily said. "We can do a group date. All of us with our boyfriends, you with Wes. We've only seen photos of you and him, we need to see for real that he's taking care of our best friend."
I sighed, nodding my head.
"Fine, I'll invite him to The Brew tonight.

"Wes?" Ezra said the moment my boyfriend and I walked in, and all eyes were on us as we were the last couple to arrive.
"You guys know each other?" Aria asked.
"We're brothers," Ezra replied, looking at his brother with squinted eyes. "When you said you were dating a Y/N, I didn't think you meant this Y/N. I didn't even realize you come to Rosewood that often."
"I didn't even realize you had a brother," Aria and I said to our boyfriends together.
"Yeah, family problems, not me and Ezra, but with our mom," Wes said, and I held onto his arm, having met the wonderful Mrs. Fitzgerald.
"Well, know that we're here, Wes, this is Aria, one of my best friends and your brother's girlfriend. Emily and her girlfriend Paige, Hanna and her boyfriend Caleb, and Spencer with her boyfriend Toby," I said, introducing my boyfriend to everyone. "Guys, this is Wes."
"Nice to finally meet you," Hanna said, being the first to shake hands with him, and I saw him wince in pain as she squeezed his hand hard. "Break her heart, I'll break your face, your hand, and smash your car."
"That's a bit excessive, Han," I said, sending her a warning look, and she put her hands up in defense.
Wes looked at me as if he was scared, and I just gave him a reassuring smile, kissing his cheek.

Wes was slowly getting close with everyone, and now he knew everything about A. I was scared he was going to target him, of course I would be, but he told me not to worry. It was the boyfriends who convinced me to tell him, how they felt a lot better knowing about A than they did when it was a secret. They rather know then be left in the dark and unable to protect us when worst comes to shove.
"Wes just told me about Mrs. Fitzgerald paying one of Ezra's ex-girlfriend's to 'handle' the fact that Ezra got her pregnant," Aria said as we sat down in my room, none of the other girls with us.
"He told you about Maggie?" I asked, making a confused look. "Wait, why were you with my boyfriend?"
"Yeah, he told me about Maggie," she said, "And because Ezra left his phone, and I needed someone to pick me up from Noel Kahn's party that Spencer and Cece dragged me to, so I called Ezra. Wes picked up the phone, and came to get me since Ezra is handling things with the car."
"Yeah, Wes told me about the car," I said, before looking at Aria. "Don't... um... don't get mad at Ezra about the Maggie thing, about him not telling you, alright? Mrs. Fitzgerald is certainly something, that's why Ezra and Wes barely talked until recently. She tried paying me to back off Wes, and she still offers me the money whenever I see her."
Aria nodded, and I put my hand on her shoulder.
"We all still having that group date at The Grille tonight?" I asked as we both made our ways to the front door of my house.
"Yeah, see you soon."

I put on a black halter crop top with white, high-waisted three buttoned jeans, tying my hair in a messy bun, and slipping a green jean jacket. The doorbell went off, and I walked downstairs to see my mom opening it for Wes.
"Hello, Wes," she greeted, smiling at him.
"Hi, Mrs. Y/L/N," he said, before seeing me. He was wearing a green button up with white pants, and he smiled when he saw our attire. "Hey, we match!"
"Cuties," my mom commented. "Well, have fun, stay safe, bring her back before midnight."
"You got it, Mrs. Y/L/N," Wes said, and we made our way to his car.

As we were eating, everyone all seemed extra jumpy, even Wes. I got suspicious as I saw my parents walk into the restaurant, smiling at me as they sat down at a table near ours. I didn't mind it, and continued to eat the cheesecake slice Wes got me.
As I took the small bites, I noticed in the corner of my eye that my mom was recording us, and my eyes widened as I eyed the cheesecake, finally understanding why everyone was acting different.
"Wes?" I said softly, picking up the ring with my fork, and cleaning it with a napkin. "Is this what I think it is?"
We were graduated from high school in a few months, so I didn't think we were too young for getting married at all.
The younger Fitz smiled and nodded his head, looking at me expectantly.
"Yes, of course, yes!" I said, wrapping my arms around my now-fiance.
"WHOOOOOO!" everyone cheered, clapping.
"Congrats, little brother," Ezra told Wes, turning to me and saying, "Take care of my little brother."
I nodded my head, and looked behind me to see my parents walking over, hugging both Wes and I.
"Congratulations!" my mom said, hugging us both, and my dad hugging me while shaking hands with Wes.
"You take good care of my little girl, you understand me?" my dad said.
"Wouldn't think of doing anything else, Mr. Y/L/N," he replied.
"You're marrying my daughter, you can call me Dad, now," my dad said, and I saw as joy filled Wes' eyes, and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder, bringing me close to him as the girls plus their partners stood up, all of them congratulating the two of us. All seven of them (paige, toby, caleb, spencer, hanna, emily, and aria) threatened to kick Wes' ass if he didn't take care of me, and by now he was used to their friendly, but very sincere, threats.
By the time the dinner ended, Wes and I walked towards his car.
"Thank you for tonight, soon-to-be-wifey," he said.
"No, thank you, soon-to-be-hubby," I replied, leaning over to kiss him. "You make me really happy, Wes. Thank you for always being here."
"Thank you for not taking my mom's money and leaving me," he joked, and I chuckled.
"I would never."
credit to gmxdilaurentis on Tumblr

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