Dating Spencer would include

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School's out this Friday and I'm gonna be a freshman so wohooo!!!
-Games of risk that last weeks, hardly speaking to each other when they're on.
-Curling her hair for her.
-Having a sleepover together, spending all night awake, cuddling and thinking that the other is asleep.
-Watching lesbian films and sighing about the horrible endings they always seem to have.
-Holding Spencer, stroking her hair, until she finally falls asleep.
-Constantly reminding her that it's. not. her. fault.
-Being her rock, her being yours.
-Watching classic movies together and always holding each other at the romantic bits, wiping each others tears away at the sad bits and laughing at the same funny bits.
-Spending hours searching for the perfect book in a bookstore together.
-Her tutoring you, but always ending up making out.
-Getting so worked up about the pills that you scream at her, but end up breaking down in tears and her doing the same.
-Spending days constantly giggling at the same thing.
-Coffee at 4.30am.
-Going into the expensive shops and pretending to be a real posh couple.
-Watching youtubers together constantly, getting really attached to them.
-Fake mean comments on instagram posts.
-Being hers, her being yours.
credit to imcgine on Tumblr

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