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a/n: go check out my teen wolf imagine book and remember requests are open!! :)

"Please don't make me go," you whined, leaning up against Noel's locker.
"Come on, it's our last homecoming. And it's special! I'm gonna be playing."
"Yeah but I don't care about football. And I hate everyone who goes to this school," you griped.
"Well, you don't hate me, so you should probably go see your boyfriend play at our last homecoming football game." You rolled your eyes and groaned some more. There were few things you hated more than watching football. It was pointless to you, and you could never get into it. Add to that, the fact that you would be surrounded by your fellow classmates, it was a recipe for disaster.
"Or," you said pointing at Noel with a stupid smile on your face. "I could just meet you afterwards and we could just hang out." Noel smiled at you and placed his hands on your waist, holding you against the locker.
"Come? For me?" he asked, his blue eyes sparkling.
"Fine," you finally agreed. Noel smiled and kissed you softly.
"You're the best," he said, kissing you one more time before going to class.
You pulled up in the school parking lot and sat in your car for a few minutes. The last time you had been to a high school football game was in the eight grade, and you only went because your cousin was playing. You looked in the mirror and checked your makeup. You decided to get cute so that even if you saw someone you hated, you'd still look beautiful.
You stepped out of the car and began walking towards the stadium. You could already hear cheering and the distinct smell of cheese and salted popcorn. You took a deep breath and walked through the gates. You stepped up into the stands and took your seat. You didn't feel comfortable enough to go sit in the student section, so you found a seat to yourself. You looked out on the field and saw Noel. He waved at you and you could tell he was smiling.
"Y/N?" You looked up and saw Mona Vanderwald coming towards you. You groaned internally but forced a smile. You heard about what she did to your other classmates a few years ago, and didn't want to get on her bad side.
"Oh hey, Mona," you said.
"I haven't seen you at a football game in forever," she said, taking a seat next to you.
"Yeah, well I thought I'd come out a support Noel," you replied.
"Right. And to keep an eye on him, right?"
"Why would I need to keep an eye on him?" you asked nervously.
"I mean he's captain of the football team, he's hot, and have you seen those blue eyes? Any girl would be crazy not to go after him. I mean all of the cheer leading team has tried to get with him at least twice. I just figured that's why you showed up, to make sure no one went after your man."
"Noel's not a child, I don't have to watch over him. That's the great thing about being in relationships, you learn to trust that person."
"Of course. You're probably right. I mean who would be afraid of him interviewing with Aria Montgomery after the game and all of those hot cheerleaders all over him." At that, Mona stood up and made her way over to the student section.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and looked out onto the field. Of course you were nervous about Noel being around all of these gorgeous women. Truthfully, you didn't show up to check up on Noel. You trusted him, but you didn't know about all the girls around him. You knew that Aria and Noel had a thing a few years ago, and you weren't excited that Aria would be interviewing him for the school blog.
You shook your head and looked back out on the field. You didn't come here to worry about Noel, you came to support him. The game went by quicker than you thought, and Rosewood won. The student section stormed the field, and you walked behind them.
"Hey, Y/N," Spencer Hastings said, walking up behind you.
"Hey, Spencer."
"Did you enjoy the game?"
"As much as someone who doesn't care about football can."
"I feel the same," Spencer laughed. You smiled and looked through the crowd, hoping to find Noel.
"Are you looking for Noel?" she asked.
"I think Aria's interviewing him right now."
"Oh," you said sadly. Spencer looked over at you with the raise of an eyebrow.
"How are things with you and Noel?"
"Great," you said, peering through the crowd, hoping to find where Noel and Aria were meeting.
"Whatever you're worried about, don't be. Noel's in love with you, whatever happened with him and Aria is long over."
"Thanks, Spence."
"Hey." You felt a hand touch yours and turned around to see Noel.
"Hey," you said with a smile, leaning in and kissing him quickly. "You did great out there."
"Thanks. Did you have fun?"
"Yeah," you lied.
"It's okay if you didn't like it," he said, kissing your forehead.
"So how did your interview go?"
"It was fine. Boring. She just asked me stupid questions about school and football. Why?" Noel asked, a slight smile on his face.
"Just curious," you said, trying to walk off the field. Noel followed you, trying to grab your attention.
"Are you jealous?" he asked, grabbing your hand and turning you around.
"No, of course not."
"I mean it's fine if you are. I've been jealous before, too."
"Oh have you?"
"That's not the point, Y/N. But yes, I have been jealous. But you know what? It doesn't matter, because I love you, Y/N. So if I ever feel jealous of all of those guys, I just remember that you could be with anyone but you chose me."
"I did choose you," you said, running your hand through his sweaty hair.
"I love you," he said, pulling you close and kissing you.
"I love you, too."
"So are we going to the dance?"
"Eww a dance? With people?" you asked. Noel laughed and threw his arm around you.
"We are completely different people, why are we dating?"
"Because you chose me," you said, grinning up at him and kissing his cheek.
credit to imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul on Tumblr

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