Ezra→Break Up

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Thank you so effing much for 20,000 reads, you all mean the world to me💓💓💓 Also, yesterday was opening night for my school's production of Seussical Jr, in which I play Mayzie La Bird, so this is exactly like a gift, ily!!
'So this is all, you're just gonna break up with me?' Ezra shouts with anger.

You have decided to break up with him, it's the better thing to do with all the 'A' mess.

'It shouldn't be this hard,' tears began to fall down your cheeks.

'Aren't you even gonna give me a reason, Y/N? People don't just break up, something has to happen' you can see his anger growing with every tear that goes down your face, but you don't blame him.

'It's better if you don't know'

'Don't tell me what its better for me'

'Please, don't make me do this. It's only gonna be harder for us' you practically beg him

'It's because of A? He's making you do this?' suddenly his anger disappears and is replaced by concern

'Yes, no. I mean, A has taken away everyone that I love. I don't want you to get hurt because of me'

'He's not gonna hurt me, Y/N/N. I love you and there's nothing he can do to change that, ok? I love you' he hugs you and you feel like someone has taken off a load from you, as if everything was fine again.

'I love you too' you respond and he places a kiss in your head.
credit to freaking-imagines-for-everyone on Tumblr

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