Valentine's Day

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Jason- You both grew up in Rosewood, so Jason thought it would be a cute idea to take you for a romantic stroll around Rosewood. At the end of the night, he took you to the park for a picnic, and you talked about your future together.

Caleb- He had planned a dinner with your family, and when he went to bring in the dessert, he proposed to you. You and your mom both started crying, and your dad was filming every moment!

Toby- Today of all days, Toby was scheduled for overtime. He had left a card and candy for you on the kitchen table, but you wanted to plan a gesture for him. You invited Hanna over, and you made two-dozen heart-shaped cookies and brought them to Rosewood PD.

Ezra- You and Ezra love staying in, so this year you decided to watch a movie together, complete with chocolate-drizzled popcorn. You decided on Valentine's Day, the movie, and you fell asleep in his arms.

Mike- Every year on Valentine's Day, you and Mike had a special tradition of going out to dinner with his sister and her date. This year she brought Ezra, and you four went to The Brew and had a great time!

Noel- His family was very rich, so you went with him to the Rosewood Country Club and met his family. When you got home, you and Noel changed into sweatpants and watched TV, something more of your style than a fancy dinner.
credit to ellasfood on Wattpad

I hope you enjoyed, I worked hard on it! Happy V-Day!

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