Jason→Fight For You

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"I love her! I won't let you separate us!" Jason exclaimed to your dad.
"I won't let my daughter date a Dilaurentis! Your whole family is crazy," your dad yelled back at him not backing down from your boyfriend.
"Both of you, stop!" you screamed causing both men to look at you. Your dad had a look of anger while Jason just looked guilty for upsetting you.
You and Jason had been in a secret relationship for some time now and only your closest friends knew about it. You had been keeping it really low key until your dad found you and Jason cuddled up on your bed. He immediately started screaming for Jason to leave.
"Dad!" you said. "I love Jason, he has been there for me ever since mom passed away...he was there for me when I needed him. He let me vent my frustration with you and even told me ways to deal with it. It shouldn't matter that he is a Dilaurentis because that doesn't define who he is. The Jason I know is the sweetest guy ever and puts me above everyone else. He cares about what I think and what I like and I love him with all my heart," you said looking at Jason towards the end of your speech, catching the smile that made its way on his face making you smile in return. 'I love you' he mouthed which made you blush and blow a kiss his way
Your dad noticed the whole interaction and his posture softened a bit and he sighed.
"I know I wasn't there for you during these last few months...but I never expected you to run too him. I failed," he said sadly.
"You didn't fail! Your daughter is perfect! She is sweet and caring, and I genuinely love her. I want her to be in my life for as long as possible. I just... it would mean a lot for you to accept us as a couple. I want to be able to take her out on a real proper date instead of having to hide for fear of seeing you. Please Mr. (Y/L/N), give me the chance to treat your daughter the way she deserves," Jason said, pleading with your dad.
Your dad saw the hopeful expressions on both your faces and looked down for a second.
"If you hurt her Jason... there is no place you can hide," he said threateningly towards Jason who visually stepped back from your dad, but smiled nevertheless.
"I wouldn't even dream of it!" he said smiling and holding his hand out to your dad who shook it and slowly exited the room.
You ran full force at Jason jumping in his strong arms. He tightened his grip on you as soon as you were in his arms.
"I love you so much!" you said tears threatening to fall from your eyes
"I love you too" he said kissing your head.
credit to imaginesforyourfandom on Tumblr

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