3 - Stay still

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You were always known to be an impulsive person. You knew that very, very well.

And it is the same sort of impulsive behavior that lands you into trouble.

In one particular practice session with Yuri, you had watched him perform a triple Axel for a routine he was saving up for one of his upcoming competitions.

Wanting to show off a bit, you attempted to pull off the same stunt he did.

You had watched him long enough to gain the confidence to copy the jump.

Note: there is a huge difference between 'watching' and actually 'practicing' the jump.

Of course, being a rookie ice skater, having no formal training whatsoever and attempting to pull off a high level move without any supervision (since Yuri was preoccupied with his own practice and you were free to do what you wanted) lead to disaster.


It was then you received your first serious injury on the ice.

You sprained your ankle pretty badly and although there wouldn't seem to be any permanent damage, you would probably have to lay off skating for a couple of weeks.

You pouted at that, you were so sure you could have executed that jump too.

Which then resulted to a long lecture from your dark haired friend.

He was nice enough to help you home, set you on your couch and give you some cold compress.

He had just left a few hours ago.

Learning to skate with Yuri has been a fun experience. Never mind the early hours. At least you had the rink to yourselves.

After a whole month of learning to skate under his tutelage, you finally learned how to not fall flat on your face all the time which, for you, was a huge accomplishment in itself.

That, and you finally got the basics down.

But you couldn't believe that it took you one whole month to get all the fundamentals in your head.

The thing is, after a while, you felt more worn down than usual.

Your whole body felt sore.

It was a pain to move.

Your ankle hurt like hell.

Deciding to learn ice skating right of the bat and on a whim just like that might not have been one of your greatest ideas.

It just seemed so cool the way Yuri and Yuko did it that you just had to try.

You were captivated by their fluid movements that you were momentarily unable to think coherently.

Apparently over exertion leads to some serious body strain.


Your body was not yet conditioned to take that much strain.

So there you were, being a couch potato.

You would have liked to watch TV but the remote was at least six feet away from you and you didn't want to stand up and get it.

Not being able to move as much as you like was boring.

And you made it known by whining a lot. Unfortunately no one other than you was home to listen to your complaints.

Both your parents were out at work.

Grabbing your phone, you scrolled through your list of contacts which wasn't that long and finally found the person you wanted to text.

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