151 - Cling

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You had just left them there and went ahead to the hotel to gather your stuff. In the end, he wasn't even able to get the first spot for the Short Program, being usurped by the Canadian skater, who for the moment, he couldn't for the life of him remember his name as he had other things in his mind right now.

After turning the key in the door knob, he opened the door with a soft click. He pushed the door against some thing that was pushing against it on the other side.

It really shouldn't have come as a surprise to be greeted with an empty room. He did not know what he had been thinking. The dark haired skater glanced around and took note of the state of the once clean suite. It was now a complete mess, a complete disarray. It looked almost as if a typhoon had entered the room and left. 

It was just as messy as they had left it earlier that evening. Had any more of his clothes and your clothes been out of your bags, he wouldn't be able to see a square inch of the carpeted floor.

However, he did not mind. He could call room service or could just very well tidy up later on he just didn't feel like exerting the effort to do so now. 

He closed the door behind him. Picking up the comforter that was lying on the floor, he folded it as he made his way through the room. Yuri let out a tired sigh as he found himself lying down on the queen sized bed, discarding the now folded comforter beside him. All in all, he could confidently say that the events of the day is beginning to take its toll on him. What started out as a crap day became somewhat good in the middle then really great and then all of a sudden, everything turns into shit. He felt as though his energy was slowly being sucked out of him.

He snorted at the thought. After all these years, you really did a number on him by infecting him with your personality. 

That was only to be expected when you have been with someone for as long as he had been with you. It was inevitable for you to rub off on him like you did.

He didn't mind though, he couldn't bring himself to care.

As he turned away with his back facing the door, his thoughts were all focused on you. He was, with a lack for a better word, exhausted. He was absolutely drained. Every muscle was giving into gravity. He was lying limply on the soft mattress. He was trying to get a grip, trying to cling onto his consciousness for as long as he possibly could. 

Victor had retired to his own suite earlier so there really wasn't anyone else that he could talk to about what was bothering him. He really did not want to disturb his coach, not with Makkachin's current situation was probably still lingering heavy in the silverette's mind.

Why did this have to happen...now of all times? Why couldn't he have just...

He clenched his fists tightly, the sheet creased under his touch.

He did not know why he was feeling like this. He was fine. He was fine...

He wasn't fine.

His thoughts were all over the place, no longer were they focused on one thing anymore. The image of you blurred in the distance, the way you tried your hardest to smile. 

It stabbed him like a knife straight to the heart.

Would it be selfish of him to wish for things to go his way for once?

It seemed unfair that no matter how much he strives to be the man his conscience wanted him to be, it would keep taunting him with his failures. Each time the regrets reemerged he would diligently analyze them again, hoping that this time his mind would be satisfied with his self professed remorse, but it never was. Like an unforgiving specter it would be back tomorrow to haunt him all over again.  

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