66 - Ready

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"Please just bear with me for a moment..."

"It h-hurts, (Y/N)..." he whimpered a bit, his eyes begin to moisten.

You rolled your eyes at him, "If you stopped squirming, it wouldn't be as painful."


"Quit being such a baby!"

"But it hurts!" He whimpered again, shutting his eyes, trying to wait for the pain to ebb away.

"If you would just hold still, this would be over a whole lot quicker," you reasoned as you took off his socks.

Gently grabbing his foot and placing it on top of your lap, you gingerely held it in place as your free hand  rummaged for a cotton ball in the first aid kit.

Practice was over for the day. You and Yuri were by the locker area sitting on one of the benches. His socks and skates were put away on the side. Yuri winced as your cold fingers touched his skin.

You were trying (key word: trying) to clean his wounds. You never knew he would be this difficult to tend to .

You noticed him wincing in pain every time he landed a jump earlier so you demanded him to sit down and take off his shoes. You watched in worry as he unlaced and slipped his skates off his feet. The state his feet were what troubled you. His socks were worn through and had holes in them, little red stains dotted the dark fabric.

Figure skaters look beautiful while on the ice. Their beauty and graceful movements enrapture the audience. The one thing that many fail to see is the state of skaters once they are off the ice.

You turned to get the bottle of antiseptic from the kit and placed some on the cotton swab. You lightly pressed it against his blistered feet.

Yuri held back a small sob as you applied the antiseptic to his blisters. His feet were full of scratches and bits of dried up blood that reached all the way up to his ankles, his skin was raw in some areas.

You bit your lip as you concentrated on your task.

You worried for him more than he would ever know.

He works too hard for his own good.

Once you finished treating and placing band aids on his blistered feet, you packed up the first aid kit. However, before you could even stand up and return it, Yuri grabbed your wrist, making g you look at him questioningly.

"What's wrong?"

He looked away, unable to face you. He slowly loosened his grip, "N-Nothing...I just wanted to say thank you...but you didn't have to do all of that," he said, "I could have cleaned my wounds myself."

You smiled and playfully poked his forehead, "I know you could but I wanted to," you responded, "And besides, it's the least I could do for all the shit I have put you through. Heaven knows how many times you took care of me. I honestly lost count."


You gave him a stern look, daring him to continue.

His retort died in his lips.

"Just allow me to return the favor, Yuri."

The truth is, no matter how much you did, you felt like it wasn't enough. He has been too good for you.

"What about your feet," he asked, "do they hurt?"

"They're not as battered as yours so I think I'll live," You gave him a wry smile, "What hurts though is my pride. Falling in front of you guys all day is not fun."

All About Us [Yuri Katsuki x Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang