13 - Thanks but no thanks

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Christmas morning was something everyone was looking forward to.

You were no exception.

You never did outgrow the habit of waking up in an unholy hour to check under the Christmas tree.

This year however, you decided to sleep in a little longer reasoning that if ever Santa decided to drop by your apartment and leave a ton of gifts, it would still be there even if you do not wake up early.

You, Yuri and Phichit stayed up until 4 in the morning playing video games and just plain goofing around.

You want- no, needed sleep. Otherwise, you didn't know whether or not you would be able to function even with all the coffee in the world.

Your slumber was disturbed however, when someone came knocking at the door.

You slowly got to your feet and took note that both Yuri and Phichit were sprawled on the floor with a blanket over them.

They were sure to wake up with knots on their necks. Sleeping on the cold, hard floor never did anyone any good.

You approached the door, stifling a yawn as you did.

The effects of sleep still lingered. You didn't really care what you looked like at the moment but you were positive that you looked more than just a little disheveled.

But seeing as whoever this person was knocking on the door at - you checked the wall clock - 5:32 in the morning, they wouldn't mind if you didn't look like you just got out of bed (which you did).

You immediately regretted opening the door.

As soon as you did, you were tackled into a hug by none other than your mom.

You tried to pry her off, but the woman wouldn't budge.

"M-mom?!" You were slowly suffocating, you could feel it, "W-what the heck are you doing here?"

She still didn't let go, "Merry Christmas, honey"

"M-merry Christmas to you to now, would you please let me go?! I can't b-breathe!"

She reluctantly let go and you gasped for air, relieved that oxygen was getting into your lungs.

You looked at her, a brow raised, "What on earth are you doing here? Last I heard of you, you were off vacationing in Spain or something..."

She pouted, "That is no way to greet your mother, (Y/N)." She tutted but then a huge smile graced her features, "Is it wrong to visit you on Christmas?"

You sweat dropped, 'She could have at least dropped by at a more reasonable hour...' You thought.

It was not that you didn't like her being here. You really do. It was something that you have wanted for so long now...her sudden visit was a huge surprise.


"Dad...isn't with you?"

She frowned, "I'm sorry...but your father couldn't make it this time. He is a bit caught up with work."

You scoffed, "When isn't he caught up with work?"

She sighed, "You know how much his job means to him, (Y/N)."

"Yeah, I do."

The two of you were silent for a moment.


You turned to see Yuri, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He looked like a kid. He didn'tveven bother to put his glasses on yet.

"What's going on?"

Your mother practically beamed at the sight of your friend, "Oh, you must be Yuri! (Y/N) tells me a lot about you."

He blinked, unsure how to respond.

"Mom, now is not the time..." You warned under gritted teeth.

"E-eh? You're (Y/N)'s mom?" He stuttered, "Why don't you come inside?"

You blocked her path, "She was just leaving," you narrowed your eyes at your mother, "Weren't you?"

She returned the favor by glaring back at you, "Don't try me, (Y/N)...besides," she rummaged through her bag and brought out neatly wrapped presents, "I bring gifts~"

You wanted to bang your head against the wall. Of course she thinks that years of neglect could be fixed by simply giving presents.

Yuri, being the kind hearted person he is, let your mother in and offered her something to drink.

She declined.

"There is no need," she stated, taking a chair, careful not to wake the other sleeping occupant, "My real reason for coming here today is to check on (Y/N)."

You groaned, "I do not need you checking on me."

"Well someone has to..." Yuri muttered and you glared at him.

Just whose side was he on?

"Anyways, it has been nice having you here mom, but I have other things to attend to," you were trying to drag her out of her chair. You fear that if she stayed any longer, she would divulge all of the embarrassing things you did which you were trying to keep Yuri from knowing.

Your mother tends to ramble. You didn't really appreciate her gushing over you.

The other reason you want her gone...was because you felt that she was suddenly barging in on you.

You missed her, yes.

But suddenly dropping by out of no where was something that you didn't like.

She sighed, "I got it, I got it...I am unwanted here..."


She stood on her tip toes and gave you a soft kiss on the cheek and a hug. The hug was a lot tamer than the first one she gave you.

"Merry Christmas, (Y/N)..."

Your eyes widened.

She gave you a somewhat rueful smile, "I am sorry...I knew that this wasn't the way you wanted to spend the holidays..."

She turned to Yuri and handed him a present, "I am really sorry for dropping by all of a sudden. This was actually all unplanned."

"I'll be out of your hair now, (Y/N)..." She waved good bye and left the way she came.

Yuri turned to you as soon as she was out of ear shot, "You didn't have to be so harsh on her..."

You let out a dry laugh, "Please don't lecture me right now, Katsuki. If I wanted to be harsh, I would have been."

He just shook his head at you in disappointment and left you to your thoughts.

You know that the way you acted was unwarranted but easily justifiable.

She and your dad he been gone for who knows how long and she thinks that she could suddenly drop by without so much as a heads up and think that everything is all fine and dandy.

Well she's wrong.

Christmas is the season of forgiveness...so you have been told.

But you didn't really feel like forgiving or forgetting any time soon.

Phichit chose it to be an ideal time to wake up.

He blinked, "Did I miss something?"

You sighed, "Not a thing, Phichit. Not a thing."

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