98 - Slowly

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The smell of the sea wafted through the cool morning breeze. The sound of the waves gently lapping over the shoreline echoed through out the beach. You could also hear some sea gulls as they flew overhead. Correction...they were Black tailed gulls...he had said so once the last time you guys were here. The sun hasn't even peaked through the horizon yet and the sky was still rather dark out and yet the waves still glistened with what little light there was.

You were oddly fascinated with the sea. It seemed so vast and endless. It could be calm and still one moment and then rough and angry the next. You appreciated its unpredictability. You only wished that you could have had a bit of foresight.

Your eyes widened and you inwardly cursed at yourself. Your mind has trailed off again.

You couldn't sleep, you couldn't bring yourself to. You were just tossing and turning aimlessly on your bed so you decided to head out. You did not bother to let anyone know as they were all most likely still asleep. Your sleeping habits or lack thereof was beginning to take its toll on you. You felt light headed but you insisted on dragging yourself out to the beach anyway, against your body's protests.

You sighed and your breath came out as a small wisp. It was getting colder and colder each passing day.

You did not know what exactly drew you out to come here in the first place. It may sound absolutely ridiculous but there was a pull, it was as if the sea was calling out to you. You didn't care whatever the reason was, you liked it here. The sounds and the sight was soothing. You also cherished the fact that you could hear yourself think, not having to worry about anyone else for the moment because there was only you.

You placed your hands in your pockets. In reality, you didn't know what to think anymore. It has been weeks and all of the stress has been starting to get to you. You hardly spoke a word to anyone. What was there for you to say?

You saw a flicker of light in the distance. The sky was beginning to fade into an array of bright hues of oranges and yellows. Slowly, light soon washed over, bathing every nook and cranny with a bright light. The sun was up.

It was a brand new day.

You found beauty in the way new light is brought to the world, a new day filled with promise and hope. Your fists clenched tightly at the thought.

Like the sunrise, some things just had to happen and all you could do is stand there and watch.

You have been there for a few hours now and you couldn't bring yourself to leave. You did not want to go back. In fact, you felt like running. It was something that you were good at, something that you always did when you felt like you are backed against a wall.

You heard the sound of barking in the distance and you turned to the source of the sound. It happened all too fast, a familiar mocha colored poodle ran straight towards you and hurled itself onto you. Your eyes grew wide as you barely reacted fast enough to brace yourself for impact. Makkachin continued barking happily as he continued to lick you in the face. You tried to push the dog off of you but he was persistent. You finally managed to sit yourself up, sand had clung to your clothes..

"Makkachin? What are you doing...here?" You soon trailed off as you saw someone else heading towards you. He was breathing heavily and sweat was trickling down his chin.


You did not respond. The two of you just stood there, not knowing what else to say.

Your heart was racing a hundred miles a minute, your palms started to get clammy. He was nervous, you could tell. Why was it that you always got yourself into these sort of situations?

You wanted to run. You wanted to get up and run so badly. Your brain was telling you to go, all you needed to do was to get up and walk away like you never saw him in the first place...

So why?

Why was your heart telling you to stay?


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