58 - Rhythym

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Victor has slipped into the role of 'coach' rather easily. He was starting to get the hang of its concept. There were a bit of fumbles along the way but he was getting there. It certainly was a huge change of pace compared to back when he was still skating under Yakov.

You and Yuri were doing a pretty good job of keeping him on his toes. Yuri somehow manages to surprise him with his dedication and his utmost willingness to learn. You on the other hand manages to surprise him with your wit.

During his years under Yakov, he had learned that any respectable coach must have the following traits:





And observant above many other things.

Having two students meant that he had to keep a watchful eye on both of them.

And what he saw, he didn't like.

Yuri was skittish and it was messing up his performance big time. He seemed so out of focus and preoccupied with something else. His eyes were clouded with an emotion he could not put a finger on.

The dark haired skater just had so much in his mind. The pressure of having to produce his own free skate was beginning to get the better of him and it was driving him at his wit's end.

You were no better either. He knew about your weird sleeping habits (or lack of it) as of late and it was beginning to concern him. If you kept this up, you surely wouldn't be fit for practice, much less an actual competition.

You weren't usually one to forgo sleep but you had been very busy with a project that you have been working on and you could not afford to stop even for a little while. It was just that important.

Unfortunately, it rendered you completely tired and groggy.

The two of you were obviously off your game.

Yuri was a fidgeting mess and you were - for lack of a better word - a zombie with skates on.

This just won't do.

He clapped his hands together to get both of your attention. Yuri nearly jumped at the sound.

You ignored them for the most part, your brain was too fogged up by the abuse your putting your body through by neglecting to sleep. So you waited at the side, nodding off every now and then.

Yuri skated to the side where Victor was.

He gave the dark haired skater a smile, "So, Yuri...have you chosen the music for your free skate yet?"


"You did?"


Victor tilted his head as Yuri's response changed.

"I mean...not exactly..."

Victor hummed, "You should learn to trust your intuition more, Yuri. Find something that inspires you," the silverette suggested, "You could look through memories for inspiration, for instance when-"

"What?!" Yuri bit back causing Victor's expression to go blank.

Once what he did finally sank into him, Yuri went rigid and his eyes widened. He just yelled at his coach, his idol.

He began to vigorously shake his head and flail his arms around, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to snap at you, I'm just really stressed right now."

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