57 - Significant

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"C-choreograph my own free program?"

You playfully rolled your eyes at Yuri, "Yeah, you've said that for the hundredth time already." You continued to look back to the screen of your DS and clicked your tongue in irritation, "This guy better quit using a full restore or I'm going to throw a fit."

You were with Yuri, lounging about in his room. You were sitting at the foot of his bed whereas he was by his desk, sitting facing you.

"I still can't believe that I get to choreograph my own free program..."

You smiled, still not looking away from your game, "You should be happy. Wasn't this what you've always wanted?"

"Well yeah...but-"

You gave him a look, "Butts are for chairs, pal," you placed your game away. You could always come back to it later, "What's the matter this time?"

He crossed his arms over his chest, "It's just that...Victor wants me to not only choreograph my own program...but pick the music as well."

You hummed, "And the problem there is...?"

"The problem is," he threw his hands up in the air in exasperation, " I don't even have an idea where to start!" he then slumped further into his seat.

"Well...the ideal place to start would be the very beginning right?"

He groaned, "You haven't been watching The Sound of Music again, have you?"

You shook your head, "I'm serious, Yuri. What is it that is stumping you anyway?"

He placed a hand under his chin in thought, "The music...I guess."

"The music?"

"Yeah..." he answered slowly, "I really wanted to make a program that would describe me as a skater..."

"Well, do you already have a track in mind?"

"I did...and I even had Victor listen to it but," He gave you a small, sheepish smile, "He didn't take to it that well."

"Wait...is that the same song you had composed by," you snapped your fingers together trying to remember, "Ah, that one girl in your class back in Detroit."

He nodded, "The very same on."

You pouted, "That is so unfair," you whined, "How come Victor gets to listen to it and I don't? You didn't even let me listen to it back when we were in Detroit."

"Uh...because he's my coach?" he answered, his expression was unsure.

You gave him a blank look, "Yeah, and I'm yesterday's meat loaf."

"I'm s-sorry! I didn't think you would want to hear it..."

"Of course I want to hear it!" You rebutted, "If it's something important to you...I just want to be a part of it..." you averted your eyes from him, looking away shyly. Your cheeks felt warm all of a sudden because of what you had said.

His gaze softened, "(Y/N)..."

You faced him again but this time with a determined gleam in your eyes, "So please allow me to hear it!"

He sweat dropped, "You don't need to bow, (Y/N)..."

He got his phone and handed it over to you. You beamed and eagerly took it from him and placed on the ear buds.

He hid his face behind his hands as you pressed the play button.

You listened carefully to the music.

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