123 - Of pumpkins and carriages

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Words simply could not express just how good it felt to be out of your suffocating hospital room and back in your own home. The moment you were given the okay to leave, you did so without much of a preamble, insisting to both your parents and the nurses to help you out of the horrid room as quick as humanly possible. You wouldn't miss the place at all, that was for sure. However, being back home also had its drawbacks. There was only so much a person with a dislocated ankle could do and it had resulted in your boredom. And when you were bored, it did not usually bode well for those who were around you. It felt like that one time when you sprained yourself back in Hasetsu all because you wanted to attempt emulating Yuri's moves.

Time for you, flowed almost as fast as cement does. You checked your cell phone for the time and you found out that it had been a few minutes since you had last checked about an hour ago, or so it seemed. Unfortunately, you could no longer occupy the couch since your mother had told you that you now needed to sleep in a proper bed at least for as long as your ankle has to heal. You now (temporarily) resided in the unused guestroom, much to your dismay. You sat there with nothing to stare at but a wall with a muted blue-grey color. There was not much in the room other than the twin sized bed you were currently on, a small bedside table with a lamp on it and the curtains that draped the window. It almost felt no different as being back in the hospital room. The only thing that gave a bit of color in the room was a purple Hyacinth inside a small vase.

The other reason as to why you were so adamant of relocating yourself from the living room to the guest room was because the television was at least in the room prior to where you resided in now. You supposed that the only upside was that this room didn't smell of disinfectant and you no longer heard the incessant dripping noise of the IV. You began to drift into an unpleasant daydream or was it a paranoid fantasy? It was quite hard to tell but you didn't really pay it any mind at all. It kept your boredom at bay and helped passed the time until even that didn't lift up your spirits anymore.

You hoisted your plaster cast a little bit higher. Your afflicted ankle was elevated with the use of a few pillows. At least you had your trusty lap top as company. You decided that maybe re-watching a few episodes of your favorite show would take your mind off of your little predicament. But as you watched, you could not register a word the characters were saying. Every muscle felt tight though. Your body screamed at you to get out of bed and spring into action. You badly wanted to sprint down the street and jump up and down. You wanted to spend the energy that kept piling up regardless of your inability to use it. The idea of just sitting there inside the room all day did not seem that attractive to you since you have cooped up inside a room for almost a whole week.

A dislocated ankle meant no straining yourself, no straining yourself meant no getting up, no getting up meant no going out, no going out meant no more thoughtless pacing. Without that, you would slowly rot inside the confines of the four walls that boxed you in. The house feels emptier than a crypt even with the knowledge that you weren't exactly alone. Your dad was at work and although your mom has taken time off of hers to take care of you, she was still out doing her own thing (you were glad that she at least made sure that you had everything you need within an arm's reach). Not that you could blame them.

You were brought out of your musings when you heard a soft knock on your door. With the show you were watching, long forgotten, you shut your lap top down and set it aside, "Door's open."

You blinked in surprise. You were expecting it to be your mom to come check up on you or something but instead you were a bit taken aback that it was Yuri who came in instead.

He sheepishly scratched the back of his head, "I...uh...your mom let me in..."


"S-she said that I could come..."

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