150 - Needs

652 49 31

Victor did not know what to expect when Yuri came after him along with you and Yurio who weren't that far behind. He was in the middle of answering a few questions by a couple of reporters, but at the moment, he was more concerned with the grave expression his student wore. The moment Yuri's eyes locked onto his, he understood. What the dark haired skater was about to tell him would be a tough pill to swallow. Judging merely by the younger man's tense posture and tightly clenched fists, this did not seem to bode well.

Not wanting to be rude, he politely excused himself. Despite their protests and questioning stares, he quickly maneuvered himself away from the suffocating crowd and with practiced ease, leading the three of you away from the masses and into a less congested area, away from all the noise.

He gave an inquisitive look towards the fifteen year old who simply shook his head, also not knowing what was going on. He tried to ask you next but before he could even utter a word in, you already spoke.

"...He received a call from Mari-nee a while ago," you looked away, "He wouldn't tell me what it was all about." You did not know what else was there to say.

Now at that, Victor couldn't hide the surprise which was evident in his face. He knew that to you, Yuri wouldn't dare keep anything under wraps. He was open to you. So for him to be intentionally hiding something from you started raising a few red flags in the back of his mind.

And truth be told, it worried you as well. It must have been something really bad if Yuri was acting up like this. You knew that if something was bothering him that much, he would at least tell you and not leave you in the dark like this

This time, he solely focused on the dark haired man in front of him. He could see that he still had his phone firmly clasped in his hand, clenching the device so tightly it look all the more like the claws of a bird. His body was rigid and as for his expression, it conveyed almost everything that the silverette needed to know. The twenty-seven year old figure skater turned coach prepared himself for the worst. But nothing could have ever prepared him for what the Japanese man would say next.

There was so much apprehension in his tone. It was a truth that he didn't want to be told and neither one of you wanted to hear. All the while as he relayed what his sister had told him, Yuri felt torn as he had to bring the distressing news to Victor. 

Everything suddenly seemed distant as the reality began to set in.

Victor was frozen in his spot as he tried to process what was happening, running a tired hand through his hair, nearly staggering backwards. The sudden pain that flashed across the older man's face hurt and a part of him felt that as well. It was something that he could relate to as well. Memories of the final unspent moments between him and Viichan came crashing back onto him like waves.

One thing all of you could agree on was that a worried look didn't suit someone who usually wore a smile.

He wanted to prevent that from happening. He knew how much it hurt to lose such a loyal companion and not be there as they were slowly being taken away from you. 

He would do whatever it takes, even if it meant a little sacrifice.

"Victor," Yuri's voice snapped him out of his frozen stupor, his tone even and calmer than either of you expected it to be, "You need to go back." 

Your eyes widened in shock and Yurio was also taken aback by what Yuri was saying. Of course, the usually brash fifteen year old was the first to react.

"Have you lost it?!" He exclaimed, "You're practically sending your coach away right in the middle of the competition!"

Yuri regarded the younger skater carefully and nodded, "I know."

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