34 - Sticks and Stones

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He felt helpless.

What was he to do now?

Why was it like everything that he has worked for just came crashing down?

Was moving to Detroit even worth it? He should have stayed in Japan...and spare himself the pain...

The pressure got to him.

Not to mention that before his performance he received a call from his mom.

He would never see Viichan again...

Mentally and physically, he knew he wasn't at his best...

Yuri was brought out of his musings when someone roughly kicked the door of the stall he was in.

The intruding noise nearly made him jump out of his skin. He was almost afraid to open the door to see just who kicked it.

"S-sorry..." He muttered with his head low as he slowly opened the door.

How embarrassing.

On top of everyone watching his o' so 'spectacular' (note: sarcasm) performance, someone must have heard him crying.

When he looked up he felt his body went rigid. His brain was losing any semblance of coherency.

He was met with a very angry looking blonde.

He gulped.

The Yuri Plisetsky was standing right in front of him. The very same Yuri Plisetsky who recently nabbed gold at the Junior Prix Final.

He was intimidating. Very intimidating...

Despite the obvious height difference between the two of them, the dark haired skater was certain that he was doing one heck of a good job staring him down.

He swore he could even hear a guitar riff in the background as the other Yuri's intense gaze bore at him.

He started sweating bullets and all the while he was thinking, 'Why me?'.

He felt like utter trash compared to the Russian Yuri.

It was just his luck.

The younger blonde just scowled at him, "Hey, I'm going to be competing in the Senior division next year. We certainly don't need to Yuris' in the same bracket," he paused.

The twenty-three year old wasn't able to brace himself for what the younger skater was about to say.

"Incompetents like you should just quit already. Loser!" He yelled to his face.

And with that, he left him.

Yuri could not believe what had just occurred.

He frowned slightly.

Being trampled on wasn't anything new. He always beated himself up after something like this happens.



He was incompetent.

He was foolish for thinking that he could even make it far into the sport.

Sure being recognized by your country as one of the top skaters was pretty swell. He was surprised when he had heard of this.

He didn't know why he was even considered...

But a loss was still a loss.

And this particular loss hit him hard.

Quitting seems rather tempting. However the thought of retiring never even occurred to him until now.

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