114 - Adrift

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For what fet like the longest time, he heard nothing but static. Yuri's mind went blank as he stood there, sweat dripping from his face from all the running. Never before had he ran as fast as he did. Yuko wanted to ask what was wrong but he already darted out of her house by the time she could muster up something to say. He was a sweaty, teary-eyed, breathless mess. But he honestly didn't care what he looked like at the moment.

As he had gotten home, he was greeted with the sight of his mother. She was still holding onto the phone, her grip was tight. The Katsuki matriarch was obviously distressed judging from the way her brows were furrowed with worry. "Yuri! There you are!" she let out a breath of relief, "I've been worried sick wondering where you've been!"

At that, he felt like he had swallowed a stone. He had failed to let anyone know what he has been up to. He tried to steady the eratic beating of his heart in between trying to catch his breath, "I...I came as fast as I could," he hated how his words sounded like a jumbled mess. He clenched his fists "What happened?"

"It's (Y/N)," she started, "Their mother  called and told me that-"

"(Y/N)'s mom?" He muttered. He was lost in his thoughts for a moment. You were with your family all this time? That's where you went off to? He had thought that your parents were estranged and that you had wanted nothing to do with them anymore.

Hiroko nodded, "It's terrible Yuri, (Y/N)'s been in an accident in the rink," she placed a hand over her mouth, her eyes were starting to glisten, "They're saying that (Y/N)'s in pretty bad shape..."

She was overcome with worry for you. She knew that what you were going through was rough. No

Yuri was dumbstruck and suddenly the constricting feeling in his chest came back in full force. An all to clear picture was painted in his mind. This was all his fault. No matter how he looked at things, it all pointed back to him. The heavy feeling leave him be much like a stubborn stain that would not wash away.

If he hadn't been so stupid...

He gritted his teeth. He was frustrated. He hated himself so much. With a newfound resolve, he turned to his mother, "Did she say where?"

"Yuri? What are you-"

"Did (Y/N)'s mom tell you where they are?"

"Yes, but- wait where are you going?!"

He would have answered her if it were not for his body moving on its own accord. He didn't bother to even open the lights. The light streaming in from the hall through his door was plenty enough. He quickly made his way in his room, getting a large duffle bag and throwing in clothes and other items that he deemed necessary to bring. He didn't know why he was doing what he was doing and he didn't exactly have a laid out plan in mind but at the same time it felt so right, like this was natural and that it had to be done. This was what had to be done.

For once, he finally knew that he was doing something right and was not just in the verge of screwing yet another thing up.

He was so absorbed in packing his stuff up when he had failed to realize that no longer was he alone in the room.

"Where are you going?"

The voice made him pause. He had his back faced against the owner and he made no move to turn. He would have been embarrassed, because the current state of his room was nothing he was proud of. He should have left his door closed so that he wouldn't have to feel this way.

When he was younger, he would have given anything just to stand on the same ground as he did, to learn how to make it to the top as he did. He had gotten what he had wanted for so long, being under his wing and all. His dream became the very reality he had been living in for the past few months...soon it became more akin to a nightmare, a living nightmare that was filled with nothing but anguish. He should have never had let this stroke of good fortune to get too into his head.

Now, for him to be so close, he felt like he would break. To come to him now felt like he was being torn apart. He had been too undisciplined, too negligent. He had stupidly allowed his heart to be strayed where it should not and now he was busy pulling himself together, getting his act in place and setting his thoughts back within the confines in which it is permitted to roam.

He decided that it was best not to answer.

"Yuri, why won't you talk to me?"

He was met with silence. The dark haired skater continued to pack up his things. The tension between the two of them was so thick that you could have cut it with a knife.

Victor sighed. He knew that Yuri could be stubborn when he wanted to be, but now wasn't exactly the right time, "You're going after (Y/N), aren't you?"

That made the bespectacled man face him fully, his eyes were slightly narrowed.

'He had been crying again,' he observed. If the tear streaks on his cheeks were anything to go by, he'd say he had cried not too long ago.

"So what if I am?"

"Yuri you have to think things through-"

"I have!" He cut him off which had surprised the silverette, "If this is the only thing I could do right, then I'm leaving...I...I need to make things right..." He tightly clutched the fabric of his shirt, right above his heart, "I'm going to make things right..."

Victor didn't answer, his lips had formed into a thin line.

"You aren't going to stop me..." Yuri muttered lowly.

"No, I won't..." Yuri looked away. The silverette added, "But Yuri, please hear me out."

The younger skater's silence translated as his queue to continue, "...please take care."

Yuri, still looking away from the Russian skater stiffly nodded and continued with his task. As soon as he finished, he walked past the taller man without another word.

Others would call it 'selfish' but he's already done that. Everyone has been selfish at least once in their life and he was no different. However, the only thing that made him hate himself so much this time is that he had actually indulged too much in it and had forgotten what really matters. He regretted doing so. If he could go back in time and undo what he has done, he would in a heartbeat. What he was doing right now was being 'honest'. No one wants to let go of something dear to them so freely and he'll be damned if he did let go.

He wanted to make things right...he would make things right.

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