14 - Hazy

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In the days that followed, you were pretty busy. The days just seemed to blur together. Despite the holiday break, you were preoccupied finishing some projects that you have neglected to finish in favor of just lazing about.

You hated that your professors saw it fit to give you a crap ton of things to do.

On top of that, you didn't feel all too well.

You were tossing and turning on the couch. You couldn't seem to get into a comfortable enough position to proceed with your work.

You had to finish three narrative essays for three different subjects and to top it all off, a presentation for a reporting on the resumption of classes.*

You scowled. You couldn't even come up for a good introduction for the essay.

All of the stress made you want to pull your hair out.

You deeply regretted not having done these things earlier. If you did, you probably wouldn't be in this predicament.

You wished that you had at least someone to pester (someone like a certain piggy-chan) whilst you were wallowing in despair.

But woe to you.

He left earlier that morning to hang out with some friends at school. You were certain that Phichit tagged along as well.

You slumped in your seat.

You supposed that he does have a life outside of you.

You wanted to go as well but Yuri specifically told you to stay and finish your homework.

To which you sulkily replied a 'sure thing, mom'.

The guy was such a mother hen. But you couldn't really blame him.

Some of your actions were a cause for concern and he has taken it upon himself to keep you in line.

Not that you really minded.

You thought it was actually sweet of him.

It was more than your actual parents ever-

You paused.

Well that was a depressing topic that you didn't even want to think about.

You slowly sttod up and stretched. You've been on the couch all morning and you desperately needed a break.

You headed towards the fridge and frowned once you opened it.

There was nothing left inside except a carton of milk and an almost empty Pepsi bottle.

You really didn't want to have to do the groceries.

But your protesting stomach was telling you otherwise.

You blamed Yuri and Phichit for diminishing your food stock to such an extent. Those two really eats a lot when unsupervised.

Dressed in warm clothes, you headed out. The cold air nipped at your skin.

The nearest super market was only a few blocks away.

While you were on your on your way, you made a mental list of the things that you need.

You sighed. Too lazy to come up with one, you decided that you'll think about it when you were actually there.

You shoved your gloved hands into your coat pockets, trying to get even warmer to no avail.

As a last ditch effort to stay warm, you took shelter in the nearby café.

You basked in it's warmth.

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