146 - Immobilized

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Once you deemed yourself presentable enough to show your face again, you slowly made your way out of the secluded corridor  you were in. Your face was flushed and your nose was a little bit redder than you would have liked but there was not much you could do to hide it anyways. You just hoped that no one you bump into would bring it up otherwise you would most likely just have to hide in the bathroom for the duration of the program. You have probably missed some of the first few skaters which made you feel a little bad especially when  you decided that you wanted to support all of them. 

Turning up the collar of your jacket not only help insulate you from the cold, it made you feel a little more secure and a little less vulnerable should anyone choose to stare at you. You had to weave your way through a few people just to get closer to the actual rink. You didn't enjoy being surrounded by so many people at a time but it was something you had to get used to and adapt with in your line of work. But still, no matter how long you have been exposed to this kind of situation, you'll never really get yourself to like it. Tolerate, maybe but you made it your objective to look for a viewing spot away from the others. You wanted your own space.

You gave yourself a few pats on your cheeks to try and get you to focus on the event. You nearly had to strain your eyes trying to get a glimpse on who the next skater on the ice was. This was what you got for rubbing your eyes too much.

The music was akin to something right out of a fairy tale. It made you imagine of a land far away, of a time of knights, castles and princesses. The first couple of notes were really engaging and you knew that you appreciated the choice of song right away. It was a tad bit unconventional, but it works. You almost lost yourself entirely to the symphony of the music, drawn by the story portrayed right up until the skater did his first few jumps and fell onto the ice at the last one. You nearly winced at the way he fell but you were relieved that he managed to get back up on his feet again so quickly.

You let out a shaky breath as you heard the crowd cheering once he got up and continued on.

It wasn't even Yuri's turn yet but your stomach was already in knots as you watched this guy perform. As far as you knew, he would be next in line to take to the ice. And yet here you were bracing yourself for the worst. It wasn't that you didn't believe in Yuri, you were well aware of what he can do once he skates...it was just that you couldn't help but worry sometimes should anything happen. You mentally were snickering at yourself. It was Yuri's job to be the worry wort, not you. Should this continue, you'd most likely grow grey hair by the age of thirty. No offense to Victor (though his hair was silver not grey - there is a difference), you weren't looking forward to grey hair anytime soon.

You fought the urge to bite your fingers in anxiousness and anticipation. This was the downside of being nothing more than a spectator. There was no release. In comparison to being able to get on the ice and skate, simply cheering for someone on the sideline pales in terms of being able to express yourself. This train of thought suddenly made you realize how much you missed being able to skate. You were now most likely out of shape and you would have to re-familiarize yourself with getting on and off the ice, not to mention the intensive training you would have to undergo...

You rubbed the back of your neck. Well, that was one way to depress yourself. You hardly even noticed that you were no longer paying attention to the person skating any more. You had effortlessly zoned out.

Perhaps it wasn't the best of ideas to lose track of your surroundings when you're in a densely crowded space because the next thing you knew, you were no longer alone in your self-designated spot.

"You've finally decided to come out."

You blinked in surprise as you turned to see who had spoken out of the blue. The tone was smooth. For a moment, the dark hair threw you off until you took a few more moments to realize that the person in front of you wasn't Yuri. Yuri would never look so...stoic.

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