115 - Chances

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"If you had a super power, any super power at all...what would it be and why?"

You had heard that question before. It wasn't unheard of for someone to wish to have a supernatural gift, one with which they could say that they have something special, something that sets them apart. If you could recall correctly, you had also had that question asked back when you were still in elementary school. Back then you did not understand its relevance and neither did you know now. You did not exactly remember want you had answered though but you do remember hearing someone laugh at your response then followed by the sound of said someone grunting in pain. You had hit him in his arm much to his amusement. He knew that you would have reacted that way and yet he didn't make a move to dodge your hit. You found it to be a rather stupid move on your companion's part. You were not one to brag, but you liked to think that your hits were nothing to sneeze at.

His expression turned distant as he wistfully looked ahead as the two of you continued walking, "If I had a chance to have a super power, I'd like to be able to manipulate time."

You raised an inquisitive brow at his answer then snorted, "Why the heck would you want that?"

He pouted at the doubtful expression on your face, "Why not? It's way better than what you said anyway..."

Another hit on the arm and a yelp of pain. No doubt he'd have a bruise there. You somehow find his hurt expression oddly satisfying. That would surely show him to think twice before making fun of you.

"Just think about it for a minute though," he said, "Wouldn't it be awesome if I could go into the future and into the past whenever I see fit? Like, I'd finally be able to go meet future me and say hi...or better yet, play new video games before it's even released!"

You sighed as you tried to keep up the pace with him, "No, it wouldn't be. I'd be scared- no, terrified if you ever get your hands on such power. And seriously? You'd have all that power just to blow it on playing video games-"

"That hasn't been released yet," he supplied.

You stopped in your tracks and so did he. You gave him a 'you-can't-be-serious' look, "Really? Video games?"

He shrugged.

You shook your head, "It would honestly just be wasted on you."

He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, "No it would not. That's not all that I'm planning to do with it."

"Ethan, remind me again who's the older one between the two of us."

"Just hear me out," he whined, "Not only would I be able to speed time up, stop time and all that other cool stuff, what I'd really like to do is to be able to rewind the clock and be able to undo stuff, you know, like be able to stop bad stuff from happening."

You blinked. For a while, you weren't able to comprehend just how well thought of his idea is. You found yourself smirking, "Still, I wouldn't entrust such power to you."

He sighed, "Why are you so mean to me?"

You snickered, "Because I can,"

He found himself smiling, "Figures. You wouldn't be the super hero, you'd be the super villain-"

Another hit, another score for you. He began cradling his afflicted arm.

"Hero or villain, I know I'd be a great one..." You muttered softly.

He bonked you in the head and proceeded to ruffle you hear teasingly, "Sure you will, but please for everyone's sake...I just hope that you don't blow everything up to kingdom come."

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