49 - Questions

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Yuri thought long and hard about what Victor had said and still he came up with nothing.

He had absolutely no idea what Eros meant for him.

Although he he was currently stumped, he was still able to come up with a sort of story that came along with the routine.

It was about a certain playboy that comes into a town. He manages to bewitch all those whom he had come across, many women threw themselves at him left and right but he ignored all of them. He only set his sight to the most beautiful one of all .

She wasn't easily swayed by his charming smile or sweet words. His gifts and promises meant nothing to her. She turned down all of his advances.

But after a while, she gave in. Everything just blurred together.

And after all is said and done, he got tired of her just like that. Once he got what he came for, he left her out to dry and left a bunch of broken hearts at his wake, eager to get to the next town to repeat the process all over again.

The whole thing seemed much more dramatic in his head.

It didn't sound like something he would do.

It wasn't him. It wasn't him at all.

Anyone who would be watching would instantly think that Victor would be a much better fit for the program.

Nishigori's mocking laugh and ridiculing remarks weren't helping him at all.

How could he bring out 'Eros' into his skating?

He would have loved to ask you more on the subject but decided against it in fear of receiving more teasing on your end. Sometimes he wonders if you would ever see him as anything other than your piggy-chan.

He mulled it over for the entire day. It was beginning to eat at him. Why couldn't he get it?

He's a man. He was twenty-three for crying out loud and not to mention in a relationship with you! He should at least be able to produce some semblance of sexuality...

or not...

He couldn't even bring himself to touch his food. He and Yurio were both slumped forward on the table whereas you and Victor were preoccupied with eating your own meals. Dinner was a silent affair.

'It's no use...I'm not even close to figuring out what Eros means to me...'

His eyes were blank. A little drool drooped down from the bottom of his lip.

You nudged Yuri with your foot, "Hey Yuri, are you alright?"

He didn't answer.

'...Something that makes me lose the ability to make rational decisions....what does that to me? What makes me act against my better judgement?'

You turned to Victor, "Oi Nikiforov, I think he's-"

"I got it!" he suddenly shot up from his slumped position, startling you.

"Pork cutlet bowls! That's it! That is what Eros is to me!"

Silence ensued.

Yuri suddenly felt dizzy. Did he really just say that?

"I'm such an idiot...I want to take it back."

You just gave him a blank stare. Really? Pork cutlet bowls?

Victor gave him an amused smile, "It's okay we could work with that...It's err...unique at least."

Yurio grinned wryly and stared at Yuri, "Seriously?"

Yeah, Yuri. Seriously?

He immediately got off his seat and ran off to who knows where. He wanted to at least preserve what little dignity he had left.

"Eh? Where is he off to?" Victor asked.

You shrugged, "Meh? Who knows," you answered, "He'll probably go look for a nice, big rock to crawl under."

Yurio snickered.

You can't believe him. You had lost to a bowl of pork for crying out loud...well the competition wasn't exactly fair to begin with.

In the days the followed, it had been nothing but practice, practice and even more practice.

Victor was doing his best to whip you three into shape.

It was absolutely exhausting.

Nothing made you want to sit down and do nothing than undergoing Victor's practice sessions.

The three of you were each refining your programs. But even then, he manages to pick up on what you were all doing wrong.

You were no exception.

"I don't know, (Y/N)...but something seems...lacking."

You wiped the sweat off your face with your hand and helplessly stared at the silverette, "Please do not send me to the waterfall like those two..."

He chuckled, "Don't worry! It's nothing like that."

You let out a sigh of relief, "Oh thank God..."

"Would you rather the temple?"

You turned to leave, you saw the bruises on Yurio's shoulder (heck, you were the one that treated them. The poor kitty knew nothing of first aid), "I'm out!"

"But seriously though your routine," he started, "the emotion is there, I could feel it...but..."


"Think of it this way," he explained, "When you're telling a story, you have a particular audience, someone you are telling the story to." he placed a hand under his chin in a thinking position, "The emotion is there, your heart is in the right place but my question is...who are you skating for?"

You blinked.

Who were you skating for?

You never thought of that.

Ever since you started, you figured you skated for yourself. It was something that got your mind off your problems for a bit. Sure, you had fun competing when Yuri and Phichit dragged you into it. You loved the thrill but when you are skating, there was no one else. It was always just you and the ice.

"I...I actually don't know...now that you mentioned it."

Victor gave you a small understanding smile, "It's alright if you think you've been skating for your sake all this time...but just remember, there is a lot more to it than just you," he had a wistful look in his eyes as he said this.

"Find your center. It would open a whole new world of possibilities for you, (Y/N)."

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