9 - A shot in the dark

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He really didn't know what to do.

There you were, right in front of him practically begging on your knees for forgiveness (in front of at least a couple dozen or so people no less).

He could feel his face heat up just looking at you...but not for the reasons one might think.

He could die of embarrassment right then and there but the way you looked at him with such earnestness was preventing him from trying to look for a rock to hide under.

He was never one to comfort others when they were in such an obvious state of distress. Usually, he was the one who was supposed to be comforted after a good cry.

This was a first for him.

He carefully approached you, wanting to reach out to your shaking figureq, "A-ah...(Y/N), y-you don't have to-"


He stepped back and retracted his hand.

"At least let me finish what I came here to say!"

He whipped his head around nervously, people were starting to murmur.

"Never mind them, Yuri!"

His eyes widened. That was a first as well.

He had never once heard you call him by his name...it was usually just 'Katsuki' or 'Piggy-chan'. The last time you called him by his first name was during his birthday.

You gritted your teeth and stood up, glared at all the onlookers.

Yuri could feel waves of hostility emanating off you. It reminded him of your menacing stare when you two first met a year ago. If anything, you looked ten times scarier than before.

It sent shivers up his spine.

You turned to the annoying onlookers, your voice was low, "If any of you have any sense of self preservation, you all will scatter." You spoke in English.

He was surprised that immediately after you said that, the crowd dispersed, leaving the two of you alone on the side walk.


Your hands were clenched so tightly that your knuckles turned white. You were shaking.

You let out a shaky breath, "Yuri..."

He tensed.

"I am so sorry..."

It was silent between the two of you. The only thing you two could hear was the occasional sound of a car passing by.

He shook his head, trying to muster the confidence to speak again.

He muttered something under his breath.

You blinked, "What was that?"

He mumbled again.

It helped spark your ire, "Damn it, Yuri! I can't hear a word you're saying!"

He just looked at you, straight in the eye. Deep brown eyes met steeled (e/c).

"There is nothing to forgive..."

His words nearly sent you staggering backwards.


He shook his head, "I'm not...angry at you for what you did. In fact, I suppose that you had every right to react that way...it was partially my fault..."

You roughly grabbed him by his shoulders, "You don't get it! I was a complete asshole and you should be angry at me! Shouldn't you hate me?!"

He frowned, "Is that really...how little you think of me? Give me some credit (Y/N)."

You just stared at him, your grip was loosening.

"I'm not angry...and d-don't think that I could ever hate y-you. I don't..." He trailed off. "I was upset, yes, but I could never bring myself to hate you..."

You took a step back, and rubbed your eyes. Fresh tears was streaming down your face.

You tried your best to withhold your sobs but very now and then he could hear small hiccups coming from you.

Yuri cautiously stepped towards you. You didn't seem to mind him doing so which gave him a new found resolve to gently place a hand on your back, rubbing soothing circles.

You turned to him, "You're being unfair too, y'know..."

He tilted his head.

"You don't know how guilty I felt when I didn't see you off at the airport..."

A small smile made its way to his lips, "(Y/N), It's alright. I-"

You suddenly pulled away from his touch and glared at him, "And here I thought you hated me all this time."

You suddenly held him in a head-lock, "I even prepared a whole speech, but you forgave me so easily...My efforts, all those sleepless nights of wondering..."

He tried to pry himself off your grasp, desperately gasping for air, "(Y/N)...I-I c-can't breathe..."

He should have seen this coming. Your emotions were often unpredictable.

After managing to convince you to let go, he took a deep breath (with you profusely apologizing again).

After getting his bearings back, he just stared at his friend, "Hey...why are you here in Detroit anyway?"

You narrowed your eyes at him, "Why? Don't you like me to be here?"

He felt nervous all of a sudden. It was like you were you were daring him to tell you otherwise.

He held his hands out in front of him as if it would help prove his point, "N-No, I do like...you here..."

You eyed him warily, scrutinizing him, "You do not sound all too convincing, Katsuki."

He almost sweat dropped. You were back to calling him Katsuki

"But it's t-true!" He practically squeaked out. He then fiddled with his fingers nervously, "I was just wondering...why you're here, that's all."

You rolled your eyes at him, "Weren't you listening to me at all? I came here to apologize."

"But what are you going to do next?"

Your cheeks tinged pink, thankfully, Yuri didn't notice.

"Oh, I plan on going to university with you," You replied without missing a beat, "I already cleared it up with my parents...they weren't so keen on letting me leave Hasetsu and you would not believe the hell they put me through when they found out. There was also the matter of passing all the required documents to the school. It took me all month-"


You grabbed his hand and drew it closer to you, his face turned into a lovely shade of pink.

You smiled softly, making him all the more flustered, "The real reason why I came here though...was...because I missed you."

He could not explain why, but that confession did it for him.

There was just so much going on.

He fainted.

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