106 - Eccedentesiast

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The fifteen year-old was never one to beat around the bush as he thought that sugar-coating his words would be a mere waste of time, a luxury that not many have. He requested that the two of you video chat. Even though you were a bit reluctant, he managed to persuade you by threatening to let every one know where you have been hiding. It was a bit mean, yes. But you wouldn't have agreed to do so otherwise.

He was not expecting to see you like this. You were pale, unhealthily so. You immediately explained that you have come down with a fever because of staying out in the rain. However, it didn't explain that look in your eyes. No longer were they bright. A stupid fever wouldn't push you down so easily. Instead, all he saw was bitter sadness despite the smile that you forced yourself to wear. Where there was the love, the light, the laughter is an aching hollowness. He felt that he might be looking to much into it, he was being unnecessarily over analytical, but this was you. You were someone that he knew shouldn't be this way. You were supposed to be alive with emotions, he never would have pictured you to turn out like this. The eyes were the window to the soul, he remembered someone told him.

"What...happened to you?" he found himself whispering as he watched you on the screen of his phone. You shifted a bit on your seat, suddenly uncomfortable under the younger skater's scrutinizing gaze.

If he would be given a chance to describe what he saw, he would say that you were facing death by a thousand paper cuts. For every tear that he knows you have shed within the past couple of weeks was one cut that tore through you. Overtime, their accumulation made you bleed out the spirit you once had. The once gregarious and free-spirited was replaced with a gaunt and melancholic look alike. The old (Y/N) he had known was slowly fading away. 

"...Nothing," you lied.

"Don't give me that bullshit, (Y/N)." He replied.

There was no way in hell he'd allow you to disappear.

He was smart. You knew that. He always knew more than he let on.

Your smile wavered a bit, "Then...Then don't ask questions you already know the answers to..."

He scoffed. He figured you would say something along those lines, "I want to hear what you have to say, not some sleazy tabloid article, you dumbass."

On your end, you contemplated on what you were about to say. You wanted to answer him, you wanted to throw caution into the wind and be able to tell him everything but your throat was starting to constrict painfully, your stomach was tight. Why was it so hard for you to be able to open up? You rarely ever did. It was not that you didn't trust them, you just supposed it was because you did not like to feel vulnerable or misunderstood.

He patiently waited for you to answer. He didn't press like you expected him to. You smiled weakly, "Aren't you supposed to be in practice right now?"

"Quit stalling. I've been done with practice hours ago."

Well that idea was shot. You hoped that the blonde would humor you and go along with it. It was sure worth a try though. You sighed. You had a far away look in your eyes, "I should have known that you wouldn't buy it..."

He rolled his eyes at you. He felt a bit insulted to think that you thought he wouldn't see through your lame attempt of diverting the subject.

Opening yourself up to someone takes a huge amount of trust. You were taking a risk. Even if you think you know, you never really could prepare yourself as to how they would respond. It would always be out of your control. If you kept people away, you keep the risk of disappointment and pain away. However...you were already in pain so what difference does it really make?

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