32 - Empty

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Dropping your bag on the floor you trudged your way onto the couch,  gracelessly plopped yourself on it.

You were exhausted.

Seeing Yuri off was...quite the affair.

Celestino gave you two a weird look when you hugged your boyfriend for a little too long.

He said something along the lines of that it wasn't normal for people to hug that long.

You just gave him a look that said, 'fuck off'.

He shrugged.

Once the two of you pulled away, he gave you a peck on the lips.

You were quite flustered and so was he.

He usually wasn't so forward.

The awkward bean gave you one last quick embrace and  soon boarded the plane with his coach.

"Don't destroy anything," he said as he waved good bye.

You smirked, "No promises..."

Then the two of them left.


Sleeping for the rest of the day was starting to look like a really great idea right now.

You turned.

It was strange.

The apartment was going to be a whole lot more quiet for the next couple of days.

You could do this.

You could do this.

A week without Yuri? You could totally handle that.

You could always phone him when he wasn't busy...

Deciding to get these thoughts out of your head, you got up and entered the kitchen.

Rummaging through the fridge, you weren't able to get much.

It was Yuri's turn to do the groceries.

There was a small tub of ice cream which had Yuri's name written with a sharpie on top of the cover.

It was also your favorite flavor.

You didn't think he would mind. You could always buy him another one before he goes home.

Grabbing the treat you hastily made your way back to the couch with the desert and a spoon in hand.

You sifted through the couch pillows for the remote and opted to spend the rest of the day watching crap on the television.

Home work could wait.




Who were you kidding?

You would be bored out of your mind without the little piggy here with you.

You wished you could have come with him...

You took a big scoop out of the tub.

This was going to be one hell of a long week.

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