71 - Listen

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It has been said that figure skaters accomplish more before 6 am than most people do all day.

It was a saying that you have come across when you were browsing the internet.

Was it true?

Well yes and no...

Yes because Victor had brought both you and Yuri to the rink at the crack of dawn for more practice (which you honestly didn't see the reason for because the two of you admittedly did really well during both your short programs - Yuri even managed to score a personal best for himself which you were really proud of).

There was barely even enough time to rest.

You wondered whether Victor was taking this way too seriously.

Well...it is a big deal. The CSK championship would tell whether or not you and Yuri would qualify for the Grand Prix Series.

The two of you had privilege of having the rink all to yourselves courtesy of Victor asking the manager of the rink to loan it to the three of you for a couple of hours. Needless to say, she was easily swayed with a few kind words and a charming smile from none other than your coach.

No - for you that is - because you felt anything but productive.

You have done nothing for the past few hours but basic warm ups whilst Yuri had already proceeded to practice his free  program.

No because when you had already started practicing for your own free skate, you either fumbled with your opening jump or mess up a spin at the end. You blamed it all on lack of sleep.

Due to having such a lousy morning, you were beginning to question your ability on being able to perform a clean program later in the day.

You cupped your cheeks with your slightly chilly hands.

You had to get yourself together.

Victor called for the two of you at the side of the rink.

You and Yuri exchanged a curious glance towards each other before skating towards the silverette's direction.

"I've been thinking," Victor started.

You snorted allowed a wicked smirk to grace your lips, "Have you now? Be careful you might hurt yourself."

He just good naturedly smiled at your little comment, "Oh don't worry, (Y/N). It doesn't hurt as much as how many times you have fallen on the ice this morning."

You pursed your lips and nodded, "Touché, Victor. Touché."

Yuri held onto the side of the skirting and used his free hand to wipe off some of the ice that collected on the blade of his skate, "So why did you call us, Victor?"

He was still smiling but you could sense that the air around him became a lot more serious, "It's about both of your performances yesterday."

You and Yuri braced yourselves for the words your coach was about to say.

"It was...good," he admitted.

You blinked owlishly.


You raised a brow, "Good? Just 'good'?" You draped an arm around Yuri and gave him a bit of a nudge, "I say that we did more than just 'good' didn't we, Yuri?"

He looked at you then at Victor then back at you nervously, "I uh...I-"

Victor hummed thoughtfully in response, "You shouldn't get ahead of yourself, (Y/N)."

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