156 - Helpless

374 24 15

Earlier that day...

To be honest, the notion seemingly came out of nowhere. But at the same time, it felt as if though this particular plan of his was a long time coming. He had been dreaming of the day that he could look you in those mesmerizing (e/c) eyes of yours, hold your hand in his and confess his undying love for you and--

Yuri stirred awake when you nestled closer beside him. Although he was bleary-eyed and was staving off the last vestiges of sleep from his system, he noticed the crease of worry on your brow, the twitch of your lips, the tenseness of your shoulders.

What was running through that mind of yours, he wondered, for it to trouble you so.

You would never outright tell him if he asked. Was it a matter of your pride?


You just didn't want anyone to worry, you never did. You would probably carry the weight of the world of it meant you could spare someone else the trouble. Heavy-laden by the burdens you shouldered, you pushed on.

But you only had two hands, he thought as he intertwined his hand with yours.

He wanted to ease you of your burdens, of your thoughts, of your turmoil, of your pain.

He pressed a soft kiss to your fore-head and rubbed soothing circles on your arm, a gesture to make you feel, make you know that you were not alone. Even if it's this much, he wanted to help.

And much like magic, you relaxed under his touch.

He would allow you a few more hours of shut-eye, you more than deserved it. He would just have to figure out how to stealthily untangle himself from you later on.

Besides, being beside you like this was something that he would never tire of.







He wanted to give himself a pat on the back for the way he managed to get out of bed without waking you. After he got ready for the day, quietly, he headed out the room but not before casting one last wistful gaze your way.

He deftly made his way down the stairs and took note of just how peaceful and quiet the morning was. The cacophony of birdsong and the coolness of the air did little to settle his nerves - no, not nerves - butterflies. He was running on empty at the moment; his mind was hyper-focused,  set on a track that he cannot be deterred from to even care about eating breakfast.

Without any more preamble, he grabbed his coat and slipped it on. He sent a quick text to his older sister just in case anyone asks where he was and went out the door.

The breeze nipped at his exposed skin. Bracing, it bolstered each step he took. One foot in front of the other, step by step, he wandered allowing some unseen force subconsciously tell him where to go. Growing up in Hasetsu, he has a map of the town, his home, practically burned into memory.

It was still rather early. With only a few people going about the streets, it was peaceful; a familiar and comforting sight.

His feet subconsciously led him to a familiar place - the beach. He idly watched as the gentle waves lapped against the shore, the sound of sea birds filling the morning air.

He wondered if there was a sort of magical pull to this place or something. The beach front seemed to be the one place he kept on gravitating to whenever something big was about to happen. That talk he, you, and Victor had all that months ago felt just like yesterday. Not to mention, this was the very same place the he was met with the sting of your words, of your feelings when he had all but broken your heart...

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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