19 - Foreign

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It's funny how fast time flies.

It seemed like only yesterday that you stayed true to your word (threat) and forced your two friends to become your errand boys. Mind you, you weren't completely heartless. You just made them get you coffee or do the dishes every once in a while when you didn't feel up to it...which was way too often than they would have liked.

It's been a full four years since then.

Four years since you took to the ice and joined your first competition.

Four years since you followed your best friend all the way to Detroit.

A lot has happened...

But not much has changed.

You were still given a crap ton of work at school (you swore none all of your professors were sick sadists who secretly enjoyed your suffering) and you still chose to sleep on the lumpy couch in the living room. You were still a danger to Yuri's china ware whenever you were in the kitchen (so he usually opted to just order take out...at least nothing would break then) and you all still hang out at the skating rink every now and then.

You were surprised when Celestino made the bold move of taking you under his wing after watching more of your performance. He kept going on about how cruel you were for hiding your 'talent' from him all this time.

You accepted. The only downside was that he tended to be a bit of a nag when he wanted to be...or maybe it was just you?

You've also been frequenting ice skating competitions. You loved the thrill of being on the same ice as the two of your friends.

You have won a couple of awards every now and then, making a bit of a name for yourself.

You even made it as far as securing a spot into nationals twice.

You've improved tremendously if you do say so for yourself and you felt immensely proud of your accomplishments thus far.

It wasn't without its drawbacks though.

Your body was facing the rigours of constant practice much more quicker than you would have liked.

You've attained several injuries ranging from sprains, broken bones and the occasional bump in the head related to mistimed jumps and horrible falls. Your sore, blistered feet and aching muscles was a testament of your determination and devotion to the sport.

But you always got back up.

Lucky for you, you had someone like Yuri to help you get back on your feet.

He stood by you through all of it and you would do the same for him.

You didn't mind.

You wanted to drag this out for as long as you could.

You wanted to skate with Yuri forever and ever if it were possible.

You wanted to be the only one who saw him, the real Yuri Katsuki who puts his heart and soul out on the ice.

There were times that you wondered if you would ever amount to anything as an athlete. Despite having cruddy self-esteem himself, he quashed all of your doubts before they sunk into you.

He was always there when you needed him and you would forever be in his debt...

What did you do right to deserve him?

In a way, he was your savior.

All those years ago when you were stripped from everything you once knew and loved, he gave you a reason to look forward the brighter side of things.

He introduced you to the sport that you have now invested so much I'm for goodness' sake.

He barely even knows how much he means to you.

You couldn't even begin to explain just how much he does mean to you.

Whenever he was with you, you couldn't help but want to grab his attention so that his deep brown eyes that you could loose yourself in would focus on you and only you.

Whenever he was with you, the ability to think rationally escapes you and yet he still sticks by you (even if you were being an idiot).

Whenever he was with you, you wanted nothing more than him to be proud of you.

You couldn't understand why was it, whenever he was with you, your heart would start beating erratically.

It was a pain in your chest...that you actually didn't mind having.

It was ridiculous.

You were going crazy.

Four years of living under the same roof and these strange symptoms only started appearing just recently.

Sleepless nights.

Your pounding heart.

The giddy feeling of just spending time with him...


It has been there since the beginning.

You knew you saw something in Yuri the day you saw him skate to that Nikiforov guy's program.

It was something special that only he had.

And you couldn't get enough of it.

There was a side to him that no one else knows of.

On and off the ice, you saw him.

All of these thoughts were messing with your head.

Never in a million years would you have thought that moving to Japan and a chance encounter with a small town ice skater from the sleepy town of Hasetsu would ever make you feel this way.

You didn't know what to make of all of this.

You would have loved to ask Yuri about his views on what you were feeling but decided against it.

He would probably just give you a hard time for all the grief you had put him through throughout the years.

Phichit was also out of the question.

It would just be like fanning the flames to the fire of your nonexistent romantic relationship he imagines you and your bespectacled friend to be in.

Why did you have to have these feelings.

They were rather distracting and it gets annoying since it keeps you up for most nights.

You swore that the bags under your eyes would soon become permanent at the rate you were going.

One thing was for sure.

Katsuki Yuri would be the death of you.


An early update, yay!

I've been looking through all of the prompts you guys send me and I got to say I love them!

I would like to hear more from you so keep them coming~ just a reminder, deadline of submission is on 01/05/2017 :)

Until then~

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