22 - Daring

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Based on a prompt by seven-zero-seven

The only reason why you agreed to all of this was because you heard someone say that there would be a lot of snacks involved.

You really should have paid more attention. Better yet, you should have listened to what the person was saying before you ran off without so much of a heads up.

Especially if that person was inviting you out to eat at a fancy restaurant.

Yuri had mustered up all the courage that he had in asking you out on this da- activity that he had planned...More like Phichit had orchastrated right before he left for Thailand.

It was a rather funny affair really.

A few days back, at the air port, both you and Yuri decided to give Phichit a proper send off. It was only right to do so.

You and Yuri bought him another pet hamster which he immediately named (ship name).

Yuri was absolutely mortified. He felt that his feet was firmly planted onto the ground. He couldn't make a move to gag his friend.

Fortunately for him, you had no idea of the origins of the hamster's new name. You just thought it sounded nice.

The whole time before he boarded his flight with the little creature in tow, he tended to stick closer to his older rink mate and kept on sending him knowing glances and every once in a while and looked towards your direction at the same time.

Meanwhile you were oblivious to all of this since Phichit's flight was 4:00 am in the fudging morning, you were still pretty out of it.

Before he boarded, he gave the two of you one big hug and waved good bye, telling Yuri something along the lines of, "Don't forget to tell me how it goes, Yuri! Oh, and send me lots of pictures~"

The little bugger went out of his way to make a reservation for a fancy restaurant in the downtown area.

It would be a shame to waste it...

He was a fidgeting mess when he approached you during your free period.

Some of the students were gathered in twos or threes, lounging in the corner while some mobbed together in bigger cliques.

And as cliched as it sounded, in the center of it all was you.

You were surrounded by whom he assumed to be your classmates. You were all so happy in your discussion. the room was filled with laughter. You were speaking so animatedly about a topic that he couldn't even seem to comprehend when suddenly the whole room turned silent and looked at him.

Your laughter soon died down when you noticed your friend was looking inside through the door which was slightly ajar.

He squeaked as you caught his gaze and he hid behind the door frame.

You excused yourself and headed towards Yuri.

"Hey? What brings you here?"

"Ah! H-hi, (Y/N)." he stammered, "I'm just...y'know hanging around. How about you, what brings you here?"

You looked at him weirdly but gave him a small smile nonetheless, "This is where my class is. My department goes here...don't you remember?"

He mentally kicked himself. Of course he knew which was why he travelled half-way across the campus in the first place because he knew that you would be...there...

Smooth, Katsuki. Real smooth.

"Is there...something you needed?" you asked slightly worried at how jumpy your best friend was being. You wondered if he caught a stomach bug or something.

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