144 - What matters most

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Brushing past his fellow competitor, Seung-gil whispered something into Yuri's ear which made his eyes widen momentarily. You weren't able to catch what the Korean skater had said but you noticed Yuri's body stiffen a bit as soon as he had uttered those words...whatever it was. Before stepping forward to leave completely, he turned to you.

"I do not know what is going on between the two of you," he started, his expression was devoid of mirth, "But the competition's about to start. Please avoid causing a scene seeing as it would be such a hassle..." and with that, he left the two of you to your devices.

You winced a bit. He sure did know how not to mince his words, didn't he? But as soon as he left, you then noticed the pained look Yuri wore on his face.

It did not suit him. It did not suit him at all.

This was the last thing that you wanted to happen especially it being just right before the program proper. You did not want to have to give another thing for Yuri to worry about seeing as he already had a lot on his plate to deal with.

You knew that you were a bit of a handful sometimes and that sometimes, some people could only take so much of you. You were to be taken in small doses, not big gulps otherwise you tend to overwhelm others. But sometimes you wondered, if you were just too much for Yuri...

And this was one of those times.

Sometimes you don't feel useful to the people you care about the most. Some days, you feel more like a weight they have to carry rather than someone who is supposed to help lift their burdens.

You nervously fiddled with the sleeve of your jacket, finding it to be the most interesting thing to do at the moment. You sheepishly averted your gaze from Yuri's dark, introspective eyes. You felt like you were being placed under a microscope with the way his stare pierced into you. You did not want this to happen. But seeing as he wasn't saying anything, you thought it was best for you to break the silence.

"I was just about to go and look for you..." you lamely started. As soon as those words left your lips, you instantly regretted it. Was that the best thing that you could come up with? You mentally kicked yourself for the lackluster statement. Although it was true, it wasn't really the best opening line all things considered. You chuckled softly. However the lilt in your tone didn't have any real humor in it, "But...I guess you found me."


You scratched the back of your neck, trying to direct your muddled thoughts elsewhere, "Aren't warm-ups about to start? Shouldn't you be getting ready?" you asked as your heart was beating so fast you were afraid that it might burst. You gently held his hand in yours as you continued to ramble on and lead him away, "We have to go look for Victor and get you to-"

With a sudden jerk, he pulled away from your grasp causing you to look back at him in surprise, your eyes wide and inquisitive.

You couldn't make out what he was thinking as his expression turned dark.

"Could you please stop that."

"'Stop'?" you repeated, "Yuri what are you going on about-"

"That! Just stop doing that!" He nearly yelled which you weren't expecting from him at all. The glasses wearing man in front of you rarely ever found the need to raise his voice. It was even more of a shock that his rise in tone was directed towards you. He clenched his fist, debating on what to say as he continued, "Stop acting like everything is okay when it is obviously not! Stop pretending that you're fine when you're not." his breathing was heavy.

You blinked in confusion but soon enough, your shoulders sagged as you allowed your arm to fall limp on your side.

"Please stop...just stop it, (Y/N)." His voice was now weak and small. It was a stark contrast to his earlier tone.

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