39 - Feel

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"Huh? Where did Yuri go?"

Toshio blinked, "Oh, you just missed him. He left for Ice Castle a while ago."

You groaned.

Just how long have you been moping ever since the call?

You nodded and grabbed your jacket which was hanging on one of the chairs by the dining table and headed out.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to meet up with him"

You needed to talk to Yuri.

The skating rink wasn't that too far off from the Katsuki residence. It takes about five - ten minutes tops to get there if you run.

The breeze whipped against your cheeks causing you to be rather flushed.

Finally reaching the familiar steps that leads to Ice Castle Hasetsu, you slowed down into a jog.

You opened the glass door and peered inside.

The front desk where you check out a pair of skates was oddly empty.

No one was there.

You finally found the person you were looking for and he was on the ice, sweat sheening his face.

"What did I miss?"

"Oh, you should have seen it, (Y/N)," Yuko gushed, "Yuri was so amazing! He was able to perfectly copy Victor's 'Stay Close to Me' routine."

"He did what now?"

She rolled her eyes, "Oh c'mon (Y/N), have you been living under a- Oh my gosh, (Y/N)?!"

You snickered softly, it was just like Yuko to only just realize that you have been there for the past few minutes.

"(Y/N)!" Yuko bounded towards you and glomped you in a hug, "I missed you so much, it's been so long!"

Yuri was brought out of his trance like state when he heard your voice.

"So what are you doing here?" She released you from her hold, "Do you want to skate too?"

"I actually was just looking for Yuri."

Yuri skated towards the skirting where the two of you were and turned to you, "Sorry, I left without telling you. Dad said you were busy on the phone..."

And with that, your expression dampened, "Yeah..."

The usually chipper brunette noticed your grim tone and frowned, "Is something the matter, (Y/N)?"

You allowed a well-practiced smile form on your lips, "I'm great, never better."


"I'm fine, really," you tried to convince them which ended up sounding like you were trying to convince yourself of the fact, "don't worry about me."

Both Yuko and Yuri saw right through it but decided not to bring it up any further.

"But how about you? What made you decide to come here?"

Yuri sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "I just wanted to get a little practice in...I'm really sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

"No it's okay," you took a deep breath then sighed. Talking with Yuri may have just to wait, "But is your offer still good? I've been meaning to throw in a little practice as well," you muttered, "I wouldn't like to get rusty."

She nodded happily, "Sure thing, just go right ahead."

You gave Yuri a tired smile, "I can't let you one up me, now can I?"

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