155 - Idle dreaming

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There was a certain sort of calm in the air. Early morning light tried to slip through your slightly parted curtains. Your eyelids still felt heavy and you have yet no desire to get out of bed.

And why would you?

The warmth of the sheets was practically enticing you to stay in bed for at least an hour longer. You saw no need to rush to greet the day...especially when a certain someone was making it quite difficult what with their arm draped over you in an embrace.

You were not complaining though. It was nice, this was nice. Being so close to Yuri made your heart swell with a familiar feeling, one you could associate with him being by your side.     You silently soaked up the vision before you. A crown of dark hair messily tousled from sleep, features that were more often than not, creased in unbidden worry, was relaxed and care-free as he slept on. You would have loved nothing more than to take a picture for even the universe decided to amp up Yuri's ethereal features by casting a warm glow about him. Your lips quirked upward in the beginnings of a smile.

Ah, the thoughts of a love-struck fool.

You could't help it. The two of you...have been through so much together. You would be lying if you'd say that your relationship hand't been put through the wringer; and that was putting things lightly.

Your expression grew rather somber as you recalled what had happened just a couple of hours previous back at the airport. Emotionally charged confessions were exchanged and to be honest, it has left you reeling and kind of winded.

Although all seems right with the world now, who knows what could possibly happen later on.

There were just so many unknowns you may yet have to face. And you don't know if --

You unwittingly let out a breath you didn't know you have been holding in followed not long after by a nearly inaudible whimper. And to think the morning had gotten off to such an idyllic start.

It's just...

You needed to breathe.

With a shuddering sigh you nestled into Yuri who unconsciously brought you closer. With a watery smile, you closed your eyes.

You could do this...whatever this is.

You could do this.

As you were slowly lulled back into unconsciousness, you felt a hand intertwine with yours and a feather-light kiss to your fore head as if though all of your fears were laid bare only to be gently whisked away by a simple touch.






Groggily opening your eyes again for the second time that day, you slowly realized that you had fallen back to sleep.

The absence of Yuri by your side was what pulled you back to the land of the living.

You reached for your phone by the bedside table to find that you have slept in for quite a while it being almost noon. You didn't know whether or not to thank or berate Yuri for the extra hours of sleep when he knew that you would have liked to spend the morning with him.

With a sigh you just absently typed in a message notifying your significant other that you're rather miffed to wake up to an empty bed. You waited to see if he would reply but after a few minutes of staring blankly onto your screen, you decided to finally get out of bed and begin the day.

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