37 - Static

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You loved being back in Hasetsu. You missed the calm atmosphere. The seaside town had a very homey feel to it and it relaxed you. It was different from all of the other places you have been to before.

It was good to be home.

"All right you two," Minako started by dragging Yuri, "Let's go greet everyone in town!"

"Eh? But what about your ballet class?" Yuri questioned.

You nodded, "Yeah. I'm not exactly in the 'greeting everyone' mood right now."

The ballet instructor's smile disappeared, "Oh, we're closed for today. I barely have any students these days anyway."

"That just means you would have more time to yourself," you said as an afterthought, "don't you want that?"

She shrugged, "That does sound rather tempting, but I love my job...even if it means having to deal with students who rarely ever listen to me," she sent a pointed look towards your direction.

"Hey, I do listen to you." You argued.

"Oh really?" She challenged, "you don't remember the last time you were in my studio? You nearly broke a kids nose because of that stunt you pulled even after I told you not to."

You just looked the other way and pretended not to hear anything.

"Just as I thought," She sighed, "Hasetsu's losing more and more people. Hardly any kids are even interested in skating nowadays," a small smile formed on her lips, "but now that you two are back, that ought to make things a little more cheery. Everyone has been dying to see you guys."

At that, Yuri had stopped in his tracks, he firmly stood his ground which caused both you and Minako to stop as well.

"What's the matter, Yuri?"

"I'm sorry, Minako-sensei," he started, "I'm just really tired right now."

You gave him a weird look, "But you just slept through the whole train ride, not to mention you used me as a pillow."

Yuri was about to retort to that when Minako chose it to be the appropriate time to intervene. She gave the dark haired skater a look of understanding, "It's alright. Let's get the two of you home."

Yuri was more than glad that he didn't have to go through whatever his ballet instructor initially had planned for them.

He just really wanted to go home.

It was strange, really.

He felt weird. He was both excited and a bit nervous to be back.

It has been a long time since his last visit here.

The trip to Yu-topia Akatsuki didn't take too long which you were grateful for. It was nice just looking at how much Hasetsu has changed over the past few years.

There were some places that were no longer recognizable and there were some that stayed the same.

You figured that it is just the way things go.

The moment the two of you stepped foot into the familiar family-owned inn, you grinned as the smell of freshly made pork cutlet bowls wafted through the air.

You were just glad that some things would never change.

"I'm home..." Yuri called out plainly.

"We're back!"

"Hiroko, I brought Yuri and (Y/N) back home," Minako added.

"Remind me again why we had to go in through the front door..." Yuri muttered.

You rolled your eyes at how glum Yuri was being.

Hearing all of the commotion out front, Hiroko quickly made her way to the front door. She beamed, "There you are Minako, thank you for going to get Yuri and (Y/N) at the station," she turned to the two of you, "Welcome home you two."

Yuri nodded, "Thanks, mom."

You tackled the glasses wearing woman into a hug, "I missed you so much, Hiroko-san."

She ruturned your embrace and smiled at you, "I'm just glad the two of you made it home safely."

Yuri was fidgeting, "I'm sorry...it has been so long. We should have gone to visit more, sorry."

Hiroko nodded, "Don't worry about it, Yuri. It's all good," her smile turned wistful, "I'm sorry that we weren't able to make it to both your graduation...you two look hungry, do you want a pork cutlet bowl?"

You nodded eagerly, "Yes please, I'm starving."

Minako lightly elbowed you on your side and you gave her a 'what-the-heck?' look. She ignored you, "Speaking of food... Hiroko, you look like you have lost weight."

The older woman placed a hand on her warm cheek, she was flustered, "Oh, Minako, youre so sweet to an old lady. You always do know what to say But look at you, even with all that drinking you never seem to gain a pound."

She sharply gazed towards Yuri, "I have also been wondering ever since the train station," The aforementioned skater tensed up significantly as Minako's gaze darkened, "what kind of gut are you hiding underneath that bulky coat of yours?"

You watched as Yuri tried to hide and make for a quick escape but had no luck as Minako already managed to grab a hold of the collar of his coat.

He was doomed.

"Alright, off with the clothes!"


Stripping Yuri off of his coat and scarf, he was left in nothing but his gray sweat shirt and pants.

Minako was horrified and let out a scream.

You snickered.

Yuri has gain some weight over the course of the year. There were times that you caught him binge eating in the middle of the night. You figured it was due to stress or maybe anxiety...or both, you weren't sure. You just stood by him through it all.

Toshio appeared at the front desk of the reception and pointed at Yuri with an amused grin on his face, "Wow! You look just like your mom!"

"Dad..." Yuri whined.

You smiled at the Katsuki patriarch, "How's it going Toshio-san?"

"All's good now that you two are back," he said.

Minako was clearly furious, "Toshio, don't ignore this! This is no laughing matter," she pointed at Yuri, "This is not the weight a figure skater should have. They should maintain a certain physique and that isn't it!" She then glared at you, "And you should have been watching over what he eats, (Y/N)."

You shrugged, "I just let him do what he wants," you admitted, "If eating makes him happy, then who am I to stop it? Besides, I find him to be adorable, gut and all."

Yuri turned beet red at your admission but it did little to placate the angry ballet instructor, "That's nice, (Y/N) but athletes need to stay fit."

"Yuri always did gain weight easily ever since he was a little boy," Tishio commented with a smile on his face, "But what can you do? Now how many pork cutlet bowls should we put you down for?"

Yuri timidly looked to his mom, "Um...before I eat..."

Hiroko nodded, "Of course dear, we understand. Go pay your respects."

You let out a shaky breath as you watched Yuri walk away..

Letting go was hard but sometimes holding on is harder.

But that's life.

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