72 - Put it behind us

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Yuri felt uncomfortable.

He was always (emphasis on the 'always') nervous before a competition. It was something that always came naturally to him. He could not help feeling anxious. He could already come up with at least ten or more 'worst case scenarios' that could occur before, during, and after his performance. It was just how things were.

But now, he felt a different sort of discomfort.

Victor was chastising you because of the 'harmless prank' you pulled on him (you had tracked your coach down and smother lip stick – which you 'borrowed' from Minako – all over his face) but the silverette's chastising fell on deaf ears for you were sending a disappointed pout towards Yuri's direction.

He figured it was because of what he had told his 'number one fan', Minami Kenjirou, earlier.

-About an hour ago-

"You were so cool, Yuri-kun!" A child-like voice reached Yuri's ears.

You, Yuri and Victor had just finished entertaining a couple of reporters when Minami Kenjirou approached Yuri.

He looked away awkwardly. The young skater was radiating with admiration and energy. He did not know how to respond, "T-thanks...I guess..." he trailed off.

You elbowed him on his side and he winced. He eyed you, non-verbally inquiring why on earth you would do that.

You sighed and motioned to the starry eyed Minami who was still in awe at the fact that he was right in front of the person he looks up to. He was obviously star struck.

You watched as the awkward moment ensue.

Yuri was just standing there.

Minami snapped out of it and beamed, "Did you manage to see my 'Lohengrin' performance?"

Yuri scratched the back of his neck sheepishly and frowned a bit.

"I was being interviewed so I wasn't able to. Sorry – ouch!" you had hit his shoulder this time. You leant closer to Yuri.

Sure, publicity plays a big role in a skating career, but Yuri didn't need to brush Minami off just like that. The kid looked up to him for crying out loud.

"At least be a little more considerate with Minami-kun's feelings," you hissed.

"How about be a little more considerate with my arm," he muttered.

And just like that, you turned to the younger skater with a smile on your face, your expression had made a complete 180° turn, "What Yuri meant to say was, he was sure that you did great out there, Minami-kun," you turned to the dark haired skater and narrowed your eyes a bit, "He'll be sure to watch your program next time, wouldn't you, Yuri."

He gulped and nodded nervously.

Minami practically squealed. "You were great out there too, (Y/N)-senpai!"

You placed a hand over your heart. This kid was too precious.

You almost wanted to reach out and squish his cheeks.

He unzipped his jacket and revealed the sequined costume underneath, "I had this made inspired by your own costume years ago, Yuri-kun! It was from your famous 'Lohegrin' program."

You smiled fondly, "It's been years since I've seen that costu-"

Yuri gasps slightly and stares at the costume in embarrassment, "It's the costume from my dark past..." He was suddenly brought back to his Junior World Championship days.

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