133 - Tiptoe

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Autumn days fall by as fast as the leaves from the trees. The sun rises and sets as if they were set on fast-forward, as if there is some divine hurry to reach winter. It wanes toward the inevitable colder weather ahead. The whole area was awash with different hues of reds, yellows and oranges. Many of those passing by wrap their coats around themselves even tighter around themselves instead of allowing the hems flutter with the wind.

Heart pounding, rasping throat, leaden feet, heavy legs, chilly autumn air, unseasonably cold, every footfall shakes. His run started to look a lot more like quickened trudges than actual running. His feet felt heavy and pounded the ground with all the grace of a sack of wet concrete. His mouth was dry and parched as the morning sun beat down on his skin, his shirt clung onto him as it was slicked with sweat. The springing graceful steps from two hours ago had long since disappeared. How could it not have gone away? He had been running laps all morning and hasn't gotten a break since. Sure, he had stamina but he could only do so much before his lungs start to collapse.

Yuri always knew that things were going well when the sweat droplets on his skin began to run down his face and limbs and splash onto the ground. By the time he had slowed into a halt, his track suit was so wet that it needed wringing out and his hair lay flat against his face. Exercising sure didn't make him look attractive (at least in his mind's eye), cheeks flushed red and soaked in his own perspiration but if it meant self improvement, then he was all over it.

He heard the click of the timer, "Four minutes and forty-three seconds, not bad." Takeshi said as he looked at the time Yuri made and handed him a towel, "You were six seconds slower than your last run, but still, not bad."

He rolled his eyes at his ex-rinkmate/ friend and accepted the offered item gratefully. He wiped his dampened skin and took a seat beside him.

Takeshi gave him a look, "You're done already?"

Yuri noded, "Yes, I'm done running. If I ran any more I'm sure my legs would give out and I'd have to go and find new ones." He grabbed his duffel bag which was laying beside the older man and rummaged for his water bottle. The burning sensation in his throat grew more in anticipation of getting something to drink. Once he opened the bottle and pressed its rim against his dry, cracked lips, he greedily gulped down the cool liquid. In no time at all, he had completely downed the bottle's contents and rendered it empty.

The older of the two snorted at his statement, "I didn't take you as one to exaggerate, Yuri," his lips tugged upwards to form a smirk, "If I didn't know any better I'd say that I heard (Y/N) talking just now."

The younger skater ignored him and fished for another bottle in his bag and repeated the same process, nearly spluttering as he drank to fast.

"Jeez, take it easy will ya?" The Nishigori patriarch muttered as he patted the dark haired skater's back. The poor guy was sent into a coughing fit, "Drink slowly or you just might choke on that."

Once he had regained his composure, Yuri wiped the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, "Duly noted."

"Anyways," Takeshi started, "No (Y/N) today?"

Yuri raised a brow in confusion, "Didn't Yuko tell you? She went along with (Y/N) today to get their cast removed." He was surprised that you did not make much of a fuss when you had to go. You just wanted to go there, have the cast removed and be done with it. But still, if he had his way, he would have wanted to go with you to the hospital instead but he had made a commitment to go and train today. What with the Rostelecom Cup merely a few days away.

"That was supposed to be today?" He asked, genuinely surprised at that tidbit of information, "It was no wonder why the girls seemed so upset..."

Yuri perked up at the mention of the triplets, "Why? What's the matter with them?"

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