77 - Fearless

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You tugged at your collar in discomfort.

You were uncomfortable, your movements were restricted and you were hungry.

That seemed to sum up your morning so far.

Not only was the shirt you were wearing extremely unflattering, it was also annoyingly itchy. To add insult to injury you also wore a dingy tie which was a bit of an eyesore. You had no say on the matter as it was mandatory to wear one.

You kept on scratching at the base of your neck trying to get some semblance of comfort but you had no such luck.

You did your best to keep still but the irritating sensation was overwhelming. You have only been wearing said shirt for over twenty minutes now but it seemed like an eternity. The article of clothing felt more like an itchy straitjacket rather than something you'd ever think of wearing in live television.

Speaking of which, You and Yuri had to attend a press conference to announce your themes for the season.

You and Yuri had your fair share of these sort of things. It was a lot less stressful than being on the ice.

Usually you would be excited because this was one of the easier parts of being a figure skater but it you found it to be too early to express any form of excitement at the moment.

You two weren't the only ones who were gathered in the small conference hall. You could pick out the faces of other skaters as well. You weren't that familiar with many of them but there were a few whose names you could sort of remember at the top of your head.

Not wanting to accidentally embarrass yourself by greeting some of them, you decided it would be best if you just stuck close to Yuri.

The two of you had opted to sit by the corner of the room where there weren't much people.

You envied him.

He seemed so relaxed, so much so that he was slumped down on his seat with his arms crossed over his torso and his head lolling every now and then.

It didn't help any that it was only 6:30 in the morning.

You would have gladly followed his lead but you figured that when the program was about to start, someone would have to wake Sleeping Beauty up. Who better to do so than you?

Besides, he deserved some shut eye.  He had been a bit on the edge as of late and he just needed to relax a bit.

You sighed.

You wished you were back in your room as well. You didn't want to have to deal with something like this so early in the morning.

The only consolation from getting up early to get here was the free donut. That's it, a donut. Singular not plural.

It was better than nothing you supposed.  However it did little to satiate your hunger.

The program would be starting at around seven so you still had time to play around with your phone.

You were in the middle of a certain level when you felt a sudden weight on your shoulder.

You turned a bit to see Yuri resting his head on your shoulder. You tried to shift your position a bit so that he'd be more comfortable.

Unfortunately for you, someone else seemed to take notice of you two and snapped a photo in his camera.

You groaned inwardly. Of all people it just had to be a reporter.

Others also took notice and discretely (not really) took pictures on their cameras or mobile devices or just whispered among themselves.

Was it that much of an oddity to see you two together?

You should have forced Victor to come along with you guys today. That way, everyone would be too distracted by the skating god's presence and leave you two in peace.

The Russian figure skater opted just to stay with the Katsuki's in order to sleep in giving you some lame excuse that with his debut as a coach, he was exhausted of the previous day's excitement and that you and Yuri were already more than capable of taking care of yourselves.

You snorted at that. You would have liked to argue more on the subject but then you would have been late for this press con.

The dark haired skater slept through the noise and you had to wonder just how much of a heavy sleeper he was.

Soon enough, the program was about to start and all the skaters were called to sit on the provided chairs that were all set up on the stage in the front of the hall.

You were all given small whiteboards and markers to write your themes on. You held onto yours and Yuri's but the poor bean was still fast asleep.

You tried to nudge him awake...nada.

An idea popped into your mind.

With your hand, you slightly tilted his chin upward allowing you to place a small peck on the cheek.

Like magic, he had roused from  unconsciousness. It was almost like a scene right out of a fairy tale except when Yuri had woken up, he was still in a bit of a daze and had a little drool that was threatening to drip down his lip.

You bit back a chuckle and pointed to your own lip.

His eyes widened and hastily wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

And of course, you heard the tell tale sound of a camera flash.

You better not find either your faces on a  tabloid otherwise you would not be responsible for the murders you were about to commit.

Yuri of course was embarrassed that they had to see him like that.

You would have loved to tease him more about it but you were both called to the stage.

The proceedings were relatively quick. Each skater presented their season's theme a lot faster than you would have liked and you soon found it to be your turn.

"Next up is the skater, (L/N) (F/N), an aspiring athlete who shows a lot of potential. Please show us your theme."

You were hurriedly scrawling the character on the board.


You sighed as you finished, placing the board in front for everyone to see. Your writing was a bit messy since you did it in such a hurry  but it was still legible enough to read.


You had accepted the microphone that was given to you. You took a deep breath, collecting your thoughts. The cameras continued to flash.

"My theme for this year...is 'Courage'," You started slowly. Everyone in the room is listening intently.

You chose your words carefully.

"For so long I have been running away. I was...in a word, scared. I was scared of many things...scared of something new...scared of moving on."

Everyone in the room were watching in anticipation, soaking in everything you said.

"But I'm tired of ignoring this feeling," you stated, "It's not that I'm not still fearful...because I am. Fear is something that I don't think I could live without...but I have decided that I wanted to move beyond what I am afraid of...and thanks to those around me...who continually support me...I think that...no...I know that I finally could."

You turned to the one who gave you the mic and returned it. You gave a curt bow, "Thank you."

You returned to your seat.


勇気 - (Yūki) as you might have already guessed, it means 'Courage'. I got this from Google translate.

I apologize in advance for any errors... I'm super sleepy now...good night or good morning...whichever part of the world you're in.

I hope you guys liked it ^^

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